Greetings All,

Well, everyone is talking about the unsettled weather for this upcoming 
weekend. Let me tell you, the weather was plenty unsettling today. I drove 
east, pre-dawn, watching lighting hither and yon, passing through a couple 
squalls, to arrive at "The Pond" near Prewitt (intersection of CR R an CO Hwy 
6). To my surprise, there was a ROSS'S GOOSE hanging about and a LONG-EARED OWL 
calling in addition to the 2 pairs of GH Owls squaring off. Also present was a 

Prewitt had 75 YR Warblers (only 1 Audubon's), 13 OC Warblers, and a Common 
Yellowthroat. No vireos. Swainson's was the only thrush. Not the hoped for 
diversity there, though I guess the Swainson's was a bit early. A Townsend's 
Solitaire, on the other hand, was a tad late.

The rarity for Prewitt was a PACIFIC LOON, in basic plumage, in the small pond 
visible from the more northeasterly of the two Washington County entrance roads 
to Prewitt. The bird could be seen from the intersection of 6 and this turnoff.

During my foray to Prewitt, I was rudely interrupted by an impressive lightning 
storm with buckets of rain drops. My car was, temporarily, a wee bit cleaner.

This was followed by a period of blissful conditions before the wind started. 
By Noon, it was blowing a steady 30 mph. The waves were breaking onto the dike.


I headed to Weld County, or more specifically, the Weld Co Rd 59 ponds (if you 
don't know where this is, go to the CFO county birding web pages). Here, there 
were plenty o' ducks and 13 species of shorebirds (in steady 30+ MPH winds, 
with gusts strong enough to nearly blow me over -- and yes, some nice splots of 
big rain drops)

3 Semipalmated Plovers
6 Killdeer
12 BN Stilt
22 American Avocets
3 Lesser Yellowlegs
4 Marbled Godwits
1 Semipalmated Sandpiper
5 Least Sandpipers
5 Western Sandpipers
1 Baird's Sandpiper
19 Long-billed Dowtichers (and 5 more that I left as dowitcher spp?)
75 Wilson's Phalaropes

At Loloff Reservoir, most of the ducks were gone, but I added Spotted Sandpiper 
and Willet to the day's shorebird list
At Lower Latham, Wilson's Snipe was added, plus I had a BW x Cinnamon Teal.

One pond at Beebe Draw held no new shorebirds for the day, but these numbers:
2 Killdeer 
54 American Avocet
2 Marbled Godwit
52 Least Sandpipers
5 Long-billed Dowitcher
1 Wilson's Snipe
46 Wilson's Phalaropes

The Weld County Road 7 pond (which is temporarily awesome, but will be filled 
with water by sometime this summer, and then filled by boats, and emptied of 
birds) had hundreds of ducks, my FOY Forster's Tern and Peregrine Falcon.

Time for bed,
I am whipped, and have been whipped, most of the day!

Steve Mlodinow
Longmont CO

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