Heres a brief update on the San Luis Valley. Today, Jerry Poe and I observed an 
Osprey at Home Lake. We have not seen the Red Knot yet and suspect it moved on. 

In general, migration is SLOW this year. Few YR Warblers, one Wilson, and a 
lone Northern Parula spotted by Lisa Rawinski in the La Garita Riparian area 
(Rio Grande County). Alamosa Cemetery is slow according to Stump. Are others in 
other parts of the state seeing similar? I saw that SeEtta implied that in a 
recent post as well. 

We received 0.8 inch of rain yesterday (about 10% of what we get annually in 
the Valley)...a blessed relief from these dry conditions we have experienced. 
Thought the weather would put some birds into the shelters, but even slow this 
morning after the storm. Can't see them if they are not here! 

Lisa and I will be birding SE Colo this weekend so may see some of you there. 

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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