We birded Crow Valley this morning. It was 85 yesterday,few birds,(one 
Yellow-breasted Chat), but a heavy wind came through last night,and this 
morning was different -- 8 warblers and dozens of thrushes. Among the warblers 
were McGillivray's, Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, and American 
Redstart. The thrushes were evereywhere -- mostly Swainson's, but a couple oif 
Hermits,  at least one Veery, and one Wood Thrush. I thought we also had a 
couple of Gray-cheeked.  We also had several Western Tanagers.

The grasslands were very dry -- and the most unexpected bird (at least for me 
from Ouray) was Rock Wren. 

Kent Nelson/Judy Scheig

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