
Bear Creek Nature Center hosted a spring bird count in Bear Creek Regional
Park, Colorado Springs today.  The weather was cool, around 50 degrees ,
with some sun at the beginning and rain at the end.  Cold wind came midway
through the morning.  The birds were quite active.  Roughly sixty-five
species were observed.  A couple goodies were found.

Northern Parula - 1 female (just east of the Bear Creek Community  Gardens)
Northern Goshawk - 1 what appears to be a first year female, nesting
(Upstream from the nature center
Western Wood-Pewees have finally arrived
Cordilleran Flycatcher (nature center area)
Plumbeous Vireo
Virginia Warbler - Section 16 Area
Wilson's Warbler (first of spring)
The rest were all expected foothills birds here.

Good birding,
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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