Colorado birders,

Richard Hayes and I plan to do Jerry Cooper's "Summer in Colorado" week starting June 16. Many of you may be familiar with Cooper's "Birdfinder" book, published in 1995 by the ABA. We also have "A Birder's guide to Colorado" (1997) by Holt. Both of these are excellent but have not been recently revised.

Our itinerary:

Day 1- Pawnee Grasslands and Rocky Mt. NP

Day 2- RMNP

Day 3- RMNP and Golden Gate Canyon park

Day 4- Hanging Lake (maybe not-I have a brokken ankle), Cameo, Colorado NM

Day 5- Colorado NM, Grand Junction area

Day 6 -Extra day


Day 1- McCown's & Chestnut-collard Longspurs. Lark Bunting, Mountain Plover

Day 2- White-tailed Ptarmigan, Brown-capped Rosy-finch. probably can't hike to the Black Swift site (alas)

Day 3-Dusky Flycatcher

Day 4 & 5- Chukar, Sage Thrasher, Sage Sparrow, Juniper Titmouse, Gray Vireo, longshot at Sage Grouse

Extra-whatever we miss. Might go up Mt. Evans for high-altitude stuff. Long shot possibles: Boreal and Flammulated Owls (yeah, I know they're really hard).

Richard is an Air Force Academy grad and lived in Colorado Springs after retirement from the Air Force, but he only recently started birding. He's good, though. I've been at this since 1979 but haven't birded out west extensively. I've birded Mt. Evans and RMNP once for few days in September.

Any tips/updates greatly appreciated, and we'd love to have company if you're free. We'll have a rental car.

Steve Compton

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