Dragged my lazy rear-end out of bed early today to head out to Rouse Rd.
with Colette Campbell to look for the Scott's Oriole (my third attempt and
still not seen or heard) and Hepatic Tanager.
Hepatic led us on a merry chase calling and calling for a full 10 minutes
before we finally located it. Was seen well...albeit briefly.

Also seen in the vicinity were:
Indigo Bunting
Bullock's Oriole
first of the season Lesser Goldfinch
Black-headed Grosbeaks
Rock Wren
Western Wood-Peewee
Western Kingbird
Lazuli Bunting

As I walked into my house a first of the season, for our yard, Lesser
Goldfinch landed on our birdbath. On the dining room table was a note from
my husband Paul: "The Cuckoos have landed!" I quickly phoned him and he
said he had heard one, possibly two calling while he had breakfast on the
side porch! I have not been able to leave the windows for longer than 5
minutes all day hoping to hear it!

Yard bird # 137 is Yellow-breasted Chat...calling and calling and calling
with a brief appearance to prove my suspicions correct!

Juvenile Black Phoebe at Cuchara River crossing on Virginia St.

All in all not a bad birding day!

Polly Wren Neldner
La Veta, CO

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