Compiler:   Joe Roller
Date:         June 26, 2012
email:        rba at
phone:       303- <303-659-8750>204-0828

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for  Tuesday, June 26, 2012, sponsored
by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If
you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star Key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.
 It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (*denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)

Green Heron (Mesa)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Grace's Warbler (Pueblo)
Hooded Warbler (Pueblo, Boulder)
Fox Sparrow (Mesa)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:<>

Boulder County:
--A male Hooded Warbler was reported by Nunes about 100 yards south of the
Bobolink Trail parking lot on June 8th.  The bird has since been relocated
by several birders near a picnic table south of the Bobolink trail parking
lot as recently as June 18.  Floyd reports that the same bird (most likely
the same bird) was heard at the Centennial Trail, upstream from the bridge
at the south entrance on June 16.
 --A Hooded Warbler was reported by Kwong on June 9th by the Gregory Canyon
Parking Lot.  Floyd reported the bird was still singing on on June 17.

 --Fremont County
--Two Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by MacKerrow on the river
side of County Road 119 on June 20.

Mesa County:
--A Green Heron was reported by Arnold on the edge of the first pond at
Connected Lakes State Park on June 22.
--Small flocks of Purple Martins and Fox Sparrows were reported by Arnold
Along FR 266 on June 17.

Pueblo County:
--2 ACORN WOODPECKER were reported by Van Manen in Pueblo Mountain Park
just south of Beaulah on June 16.  The birds were in a large snag next to
the little amphitheater between the pavilion and the lodge. On June 23
Percival saw the Acorn Woodpeckers " the usual tree in Pueblo Mountain
Park, at the parking lot just west of the Horseshore Lodge.  Also, there
was a singing male Hooded Warbler (first found by Van Truan), and one or
two singing male Grace's Warblers.  These warblers were not far up the road
from the old basketball court (south end of the Park).  The Hooded Warbler
was mostly along the creek and the Grace's Warblers were singing in the
tall ponderosa pine trees."

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trip for Saturday, June 30 Chicago Creek
Trip Leader: Bob Shade 303-975-2476. Cell: 720-256-4376.
Primary target species: Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored subspecies) in willow
carr at 11,000 feet. One of the few nearby sites to see this species on the
breeding grounds.
Directions: Meet at 0730 at Fillius Park. Go west on I-70 and get off at
Exit 252 (Evergreen Exit) and follow the Evergreen Parkway/CO 74 in a
westerly direction 2.5 miles to the Bergen Parkway intersection. Turn right
and immediately find the Fillius Park parking lot where we will meet and
arrange car-pooling for the drive toward Mt Evans. *From the Chicago Creek
campground it is a 3.6 mile (one way) moderately strenuous hike uphill to
timberline*. Please bring lunch and water, wear sturdy hiking shoes and
clothing for sudden weather changes and high elevations. Please call Bob if
you plan to go.

If there is a DFO Field Trip on Sunday, July 1,please let me know, so I can
post it. No such trip was listed at the DFO website. Thanks.

Joe Roller, Denver
303 204-0828

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