Yesterday I stopped by Last Chance and it almost broke my heart.  Much of the 
town and importantly, it's famous migrant trap, was burned out by a wildfire on 
June 25.  The fire burned 45, 000 acres.  The pond is still present but all of 
the ground foliage and leaves on trees and shrubs are gone.  Here are some 
photos of what Last Chance looks like now:

The last photo is of the prairie around Last Chance.  As you can see, as a 
result of  recent rain, it already looks green and healthy.  I wonder if Last 
Chance will ever be a migrant stop- over in future years.  Time will tell.

Here are the birds I saw in about 30 minutes of birding there:

House Sparrows  25

Western Kingbird  15

Brown Thrasher  3

House Finch  3

Lark Sparrow 1

Red-winged Blackbird 3

Robin 2

Cliff Swallow  8

Kildeer 3

Barn Swallow  8

Eurasian Collared Doves  5

Does anyone know if trees that have lost their leaves and are scorched on the 
outside have any chance of surviving.

Gary Koehn
Colorado Springs

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