Hi Everyone--

Out of curiosity, I went over to Barr Lake this morning 7/31. Sandbar Lake
might be a better name. The crowd of gulls didn't move much, and so there
was every possibility that the slugabed Royal Tern might still be around,
but I never did see it. If anyone happened across it, please post.
Shorebirds included one Willet, half a dozen Spotted Sandpipers; the rest
were Least Sandpipers, Baird's Sandpipers, and Killdeer. I saw three
Forster's Terns, a few Franklin's Gulls, lots of California and Ring-billed
Gulls. A few Clark's Grebes were with the Westerns. I heard mention of
multiple Orchard Orioles in the area, but I did not see any. There were lots
of Chipping Sparrows on the move, judging by flight calls.

Mark Miller
Longmont, CO

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