Thanks, Larry, for posting your warm invitation to this great and growing
annual RMBO August tradition!
The Barbecue will be at the Old Stone House, which is close to Barr Lake.

In addition to the many events you mentioned, I am looking forward to the
11:10 AM presentation of
the coveted Rich Levad Award. Rich Levad, as most of you know, was a giant
in Colorado avian research,
with his strong work over many years on the Black Swift, "The Coolest
Bird." Rich's efforts were  extended
in recent years by Jason Beason, Kim Potter and Carolyn Gunn, who were able
to pry open the previously secret
wintering ground of the Black Swift in South America.  A few years ago,
when Rich Levad succumbed to ALS after a heroic
struggle, RMBO chose to present an annual Award in his memory. Karen Levad
will be presenting it.

Yes, the food, the field trips, seminars, and auctions will be great, but
I'd emphasize
that the camaraderie among birders at the event is a big reason to be
there. See your friends and
make new ones! Register on-line at today, where you can see the
full schedule of events,
a map showing how to get there, then join us in two days! Bring your
binoculars, your appetite and a couple of friends.
Larry Modesitt has personally arranged for the weather to be quite
pleasant. Thanks, Larry!

Joe Roller,
RMBO Board

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