Another busy day, with 70 birds banded.  The Wilson's Warblers are back and
have replaced Yellows and House Wrens as the primary species.  The most
interesting bird was a Veery, our second of the season and the first since
2006.  Here's the breakdown:


Downy Woodpecker      1

Western Wood-pewee 5

House Wren       3

Veery    1

Yellow Warbler 3

Townsend's Warbler      3

MacGillivray's Warbler   2

Wilson's Warbler              46

Chipping Sparrow            4

Clay-colored Sparrow     1

Song Sparrow    1   


The weekend promises to be a HOT one, but the early mornings (say, from 7 to
9!) are very nice and the birds are active.  So, come, but come early...we
are likely to start closing nets by 10 or so.


Open all 3 days of this Labor Day weekend.  Our closed days for the next 2
weeks are Tuesday, 9/4, and then Wednesday, 9/12.  




Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory



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