
Fountain Creek Nature Center hosted what I believe was the 21st Annual Fall
Bird Count in Fountain Creek Regional Park this morning.  Twenty-five
birder enthusiasts split into five teams and scoured the park between 7:30
and 10:30 a.m. and observed 78 or so species.  While the number of species
was pretty good the number of total birds seemed low.  Best species for the
day include:

Green Heron
Sora & Virginia Rail
Least Sandpiper
Red-naped Sapsucker
Empid specie
Warbling Vireo
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Swainson's Thrush
The were 7 species of warblers: Orange-crowned, Virginia's, Yellow,
Townsend's, MacGillivray's, Common Yellowthroat, and Wilson's.  We had
unconfirmed report of a possible Mourning Warbler in the "warbler alley"
area of the park just south of the nature center.  Several of us went
looking for it after the count to no avail. Also possible Yellow-breasted
Western Tanager
Green-tailed and Spotted Towhee
Chipping, Vesper, Lark, Song, Lincoln's and White-crowned Sparrow.  I was
surprised that we didn't find other sparrows.
Rose-breasted and Black-head Grosbeak
Yellow-headed Blackbird.

If any of you happen to bird in the park in the the next three days, please
let me know what you saw.  You might see some birds that we could add to
the week of" list.

Good birding.
Ken Pals
El Paso County

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