The heat returned, bringing an earlier close but somewhat more birds.  Two
flocks came through - one of Wilson's and Townsend's at 8, and then one of
mostly Chipping Sparrows at 9:30.  Breakdown for the day:


House Wren       2

Ruby-crowned Kinglet   1 (FOS)

Swainson's Thrush          1

Gray Catbird       1

Townsend's Warbler      7

Wilson's Warbler              17

Chipping Sparrow            10

Song Sparrow    1

Lincoln's Sparrow             1


Open Mon and Tues, closed Wed, then open through next weekend.  (Will have
decision about closed day for following week tomorrow.)  School groups every
weekday this week.  




Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory



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