Yesterday I reported a Nashville Warbler near Children's Hospital in Aurora.

A second birder found a a female MacGillivray’s Warbler in the same area
later that day and emailed me. I can see my errors in reporting a Nashville
Warbler when looking at photos of the female MacGillivray’s.
But there is where I am asking for some info from everyone.

I made my decision of a Nashville noting a yellow throat rather than a
grayish throat. The eye ring on my ID looked like a complete and very
prominent eyering. When looking a photos of the female MacGillivray’s
Warbler I don't see the very prominent eyering I observed. Also the
description of the eyering being above and below, but not complete does not

When I read the email I admit it is unlikely that both birds are in the
area, but this is where it get interesting...this morning I did not see the
birds, but a coworker stated seeing two yellow birds while eating
breakfast. Hmmmm

Matt Newport

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