Birding east from Sterling this morning,  I was in Haxtun by 7:30; but I think 
it was too early for insects to have warmed up, so I "buggered off".  Even the 
sewage ponds were uninteresting.

Frenchman's Creek was good.  On the west side right by the parking area there 
was a big active flock of spizellas-four species including Field Sparrow.  I 
went on down to Lake Linfield on the Yuma-Phillips county line which does have 
a pool on the Yuma side (that thing must be pretty darn deep when it is up over 
the road!).  There wasn't much of note there but I had a Cooper's Hawk and a 
Merlin driving down on CR 29.

The south side park in Holyoke was terrific.  There were a couple hundred 
robins which were distracting, but I also had Townsend's Warbler, Cassin's 
Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet , Wilson's and Orange Crowned Warbler, Red and 
White-breasted Nuthatches and a Western Tanager.  There must have been a 
tremendous bloom of something in the hackberry trees because that is where all 
the action was.  I should have stayed put because there was zilch at the 
cemetery (those hackberrys were in mourning, I guess),  the fishing hole was 
slow and by the time I made it to Ovid the day was pretty much over.  Nothing 
special at Jumbo.

Bill Kaempfer

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