Folks- I was awakened from a light afternoon backyard siesta yesterday by
hummingbird chip notes.  Without bins, camera, or glasses all I could
ascertain was that the bird appeared to lack warm flank coloration and
seemed to be short billed.  I retrieved my optics and got pics of what
proved to be an immature female Anna's Hummingbird at ca. 16:30  ( Despite surveilling my agastache
flowers and hummingbird feeder until sunset the bird was not re-seen
yesterday.  However, one last glance before I left for work this morning at
quarter-to-eight rewarded me with a look at the hummer hanging out on a
perch above the hummingbird-friendly flowers.

Hummingbird fans are welcome- head over to 3381 Larkspur Dr. in Longmont.
 Please don't block any driveways- you can park on the inside of the loop
cul-de-sac or down the block a bit.  The gate (left of the garage as you
walk up the driveway) is open- I'd suggest a slow approach past the veggie
garden as the flowers it likes and feeder will be at the end of the path on
your left.  Feel free to grab a seat up on the patio or even better, try
the hammock chair where I was snoozing when Ms. Anna first woke me up.

If you do visit please email me when you were there and the results of your

Good luck, & Best- Bill Schmoker, Longmont

|           Bill Schmoker              |
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