Thanks Steve for the find yesterday of the Hermit Warbler, and to Kathy for 
refinding it this morning.
For anyone thinking of heading out there, the Hermit Warbler was in the 
same location (north east corner) as yesterday.  Other birds present to 
help entice you all out there were:
Swainson's Thrush
Hermit Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Harris's Sparrow (imm. that only I saw, so put that down as a possible.  
Terrible photo taken before the light came up on Flickr)
Nashville Warbler (posing for pictures)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (also not a shy bird)
House Wren
Winter-type Wren
Pine Siskin
Orange-crowned Warbler
Wilson's Warbler (Just one that I could tell)
Ferruginous Hawk (fly over - Thanks to Mark P for pointing that out)
Brown Creeper (at least half a dozen migrants that weren't there last week)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (many)
John Breitsch

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