Hey all!

Nothing crazy spectacular to report here.  I live very close to
Rolland Moore park between Drake and Prospect off of Shields in town.
The goose influx has been pretty astounding.  I don't remember seeing
this many in the area in the past few years.  There are upwards of
3000 geese hanging around this little pocket of Fort Collins.  As in
years past, the geese will feed at Rolland Moore or on the CSU grounds
around Centre Avenue and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.  There is a
smallish body of water along the Spring Creek Trail between Shields
and Centre Avenues near the Gardens at Spring Creek that the majority
of the geese spend the dark hours on.  This area held a Ross's Goose
last year for the better part of the winter.

This year there is a Greater White-fronted Goose.  It is fairly small
with a yellowish bill.  Perhaps taiga/tundra cross?  Also, there is a
large juvenile Snow Goose.  It almost matches Sibley's picture of a
dark juvenile to the letter.  My guess would be Greater.  It towers
over most of the Canada's. Of particular note, is a Greater White-
frontedxCanada cross.  At first glance, I thought I had a Brant.  I
had to get a closer look to confirm there were light cheeks.  It has
the orange legs with the white blaze on the forehead.  My first
experience with this hybrid.  Pretty cool in fact.  I saw this one in
the yard by the small pond at the CSU Vet Hospital.  The Snow and
other Greater White-fronted I have spotted at Rolland Moore and the
aforementioned pond on the trail.  I'll be keeping my eye out for
yellow orbital rings...

One other remark about these Canada's (and a few Cackling as well):
The variation in plumages and sizes is impressive.  There are most
certainly Commons, Richardson's, and Lessers in this group.  But there
are quite a few white "neck-rings" in this group.  Many are on smaller
geese at least suggesting there are some Aleutian genes in this
flock.  Some of the other geese are so pale on their breasts that
before I raised the binos I thought I had several Snows in the

I'm sure by February I'll just want them to get off the road and out
of my way, but I was determined this year to take some time to just
look at them more.  Perhaps it's because I had someone into astrology
just tell me that my power animal was the goose.  I couldn't help but

A quick thank you to all involved in the finding and identifying of
the Brambling.  As if I didn't have enough to be thankful for this
year, this certainly was a great start to Thanksgiving day.  A good
lifer indeed.  I got in my car and heard The Allman Brothers Band.
Lord I was born a Bramblin' man...Go figure.

Good birding all!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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