Compiler:    Joyce Takamine
Date:          December 28, 2012
email:         rba AT
phone:        303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Friday, December 28, 2012,
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your
name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for
each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)

BRANT (Larimer, Morgan)
TUNDRA SWAN (*Boulder, La Plata, Mesa, Montezuma, Weld)
White-winged Scoter (Denver)
Long-tailed Duck (Denver)
Red-necked Grebe (*Douglas/Jefferson)
MEW GULL (Boulder)
Thayer's Gull (Boulder, *Broomfield, Pueblo)
ICELAND GULL (*Broomfield, Douglas/Jefferson)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder, *Broomfield, Denver, Douglas/Jefferson,
Glaucous Gull (Boulder, *Broomfield)
White-winged Dove (Pueblo)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Pueblo)
Chihuahuan Raven (Pueblo)
Winter Wren (*Kit Carson)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Pueblo)
Lapland Longspur (*Kit Carson)
Palm Warbler (El Paso)
Field Sparrow (Phillips)
Swamp Sparrow (Pueblo, Weld)
White-throated Sparrow (Delta, Pueblo)
Harris's Sparrow (Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder, Logan)
Rusty Blackbird (Pueblo)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (*Jefferson)
Black Rosy-Finch (Jefferson
Common Redpoll (*Kit Carson, Larimer)

Boulder County:
--Floyd reported on December 23 that the Northern Cardinal continues in
Hawthorn Gulch.
--At Valmont Reservoir on December 26, Floyd reported 15 Tundra Swans, 1 ad
MEW GULL, 5 Thayer's Gulls (2 ad, 3 1-st cyc), 2 1-cyc Lesser Black-backed
Gulls, and 1-2 ad Glaucous Gulls.
At Valmont Reservoir on December 27, Mlodinow reported 14 Tundra Swans.

Broomfield County:
--4 Thayer's Gulls were reported by Nick Moore at Anthem Ranch in
Broomfield on December 23.
On December 27, Mlodinow reported 2 Thayer's Gulls and Lesser Black-backed
Gull and Schmoker reported Glaucous Gull and 2nd cyc ICELAND GULL at Anthem
Ranch  Anthem Ranch is S of Hwy 7 and Lowell.
--At Sienna Pond (Corner of Lowell & Sheridan) Mlodinow reported Glaucous
Gull and Schmoker reported Lesser Black-backed Gull on December 27.

Delta County:
--A tan morph White-throated Sparrow was reported by Boswell at Confluence
Park in Delta on December 23 and December 24.  It was between the path and
Gunnison River in first 100 yards from trailhead parking.

Denver County:
--At Marston Reservoir on December 24, Tina Jones reported 2 1-st winter
White-winged Scoters, 1 Long-tailed Duck and 1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Douglas/Jefferson Counties:
--2 ICELAND GULLS (1 ad, 1 1-st cyc) and an ad Lesser Black-backed Gull
were reported by Walbek at Chatfield SP on the north side ice shelf on
December 21.  On December 22, Sanders reported Lesser Black-backed Gull and
Red-necked Grebe at the north marina at Chatfield.  On December 23, Walbek
reported that the ad ICELAND GULL flew to the ice shelf at Chatfield.  On
December 25, Mlodinow reported that the Red-necked Grebe was near the north
marina.  On December 26, Parsons reported the Red-necked Grebe continues at
Chatfield.  On December 27, Roller reported that Chatfield is completely
iced over and thus no Red-necked Grebe.

El Paso County:
--A western Palm Warbler was found by Surano on December 12 on the Colorado
College campus.  The Palm Warbler was last reported by Wolf on the S side
of Barnes Science Hall on December 20.  The Palm Warbler was reported by
Roeder W of the S entrance to Barnes Science center on December 25.
--A f ACORN WOODPECKER was reported by Marty Wolf on the Colorado Springs
CBC in the North Cheyenne canyon area on December 15.  It was on the N side
of W Cheyenne Blvd and W from 21st/Cresta.  On December 21 Kathy Miller
at Willow Circle and Cheyenne Blvd.

Jefferson County:
--Henwood reported on November 26 that the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW
continuues at Red Rocks Trading Post.  On December 24, Henwood reported
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW but no Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch at Red Rocks Trading
Post but Gingrich reported GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW and 3+ Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finch later on December 24.  On December 25, Norm Lewis reported
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW, Gray-crowned and Black Rosy-Finches at Red Rocks
Trading Post.  On December 27, Henwood reported GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW and
3 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches at Red Rocks Trading Post.

Kit Carson County:
--On the Flager CBC on December 27, Kaempfer reported Common Redpoll,
Winter Wren, EASTERN MEADOWLARK, and over 22000 Lapland Longspurs.

Larimer County:
--On December 12, Lutomski reported a BRANT on a small lake just north of
Lake Loveland and west of Loveland High School.  It was with a large flock
of Canada and Cackling Geese.  On December 15, Mlodinow reported a black
BRANT at Cattail Creek Golf Course.  It was seen from the parking lot.  On
December 17, Walters reported seeing the BRANT on the north shore of Lake
Loveland and then it flew to a field SE of Loveland High School.  On
December 18, Dowell reported that the BRANT was on the NW side of Lake
Loveland and flew NW.  One December 22, Goff reported the BRANT at a golf
course on the north side of 29th St and west of Taft,  On December 23,
Cropper reported the BRANT at Lake Loveland at 0900 and Gent reported the
BRANT at Cattail Golf Course at 1000.  It was east from the parking lot.
 --24 Common Redpolls were reported by Sparks behind the Discovery  Museum
in Fort Collins on December 15.  On December 23, DeFonso reported that the
Common Redpolls continue to visit the feeders behind the museum.  On
December 23, Hall reported a possible HOARY REDPOLL at the Fort Collins
Museum of Discovery.  The museum is N of the intersection of Mason and
Cherry St.

Logan County:
--At Tamarack Ranch on December 22, Mlodinow reported 7 Northern Cardinals
and 5 Red-bellied Woodpeckers.

Mesa County:
--A Tundra Swan was reported by Jacob Cooper on the 23 1/4 Rd pond off of
Redlands Parkway in Grand Junction on December 20.

Montezuma County:
--An imm Tundra Swan was reported by Beatty on Totten Reservoir on December

Morgan County:
--A Black BRANT was reported by Mlodinow on the ice at Jackson Lake SP on
December 23.  Also present were 3 Harris's Sparrows and 1 Common Redpoll.

Phillips County:
--A Field Sparrow was reported by Mlodinow at the Lyons Fishing Hole in
Holyoke on December 22.

Pueblo County:
--On the Pueblo CBC on December 26, Percival reported Thayer's Gull, Lesser
Black-backed Gull, White-winged Dove, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,  Chihuahuan
Raven, Curve-billed Thrasher, Swamp Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow,
Harris's Sparrow, Rusty Blackbird.

Weld County:
--An imm/f Long-tailed Duck was reported by Mlodinow at the Frederick
Recreational Area on December 20.
--A Swamp Sparrow was reported by Nick Moore in the marsh area of Union
Reservoir in Longmont on December 22.
--A Tundra Swan was reported by Wickam at Bittersweet Park in Greeley on
December 22.  Bittersweet Park is at 16th St and 35th Ave.

Help with the CBC's

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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