I would not have mentioned this, but I thought it would make an interesting 
piggy-back on Elena's comments.  Ted Cooper and I did a trip yesterday that 
started at Red Rocks, and wound its way from Baseline to Legion Park, on to 
Cottonwood Marsh and 75th Street, over to the "cardinal site", up to 
Allenspark, back through Ward and finally ending at Valmont for a very 
interesting "gull hour" with Ted Floyd.  We saw lots of great birds along the 
way, but nothing worthy of posting that hadn't been previously mentioned by 
Mike Henwood and Ted.  However, as we were driving up to the cardinal locality, 
we were stopped at an intersection when we saw a pigeon behaving strangely; it 
was flying into a corner formed by the intersection of two buildings and seemed 
to be in a total panic.  The source of the pigeon's distress quickly became 
apparent.  Two ravens were pursuing the bird into the corner with obvious evil 
intent.  They harrassed it into a collision with a door and through several 
(for a pigeon) fairly impressive aerial maneuvers. The pigeon ultimately 
escaped, and I commented that I had never seen ravens acting like raptors.  
They did not have the skills to bring down the pigeon, but it was not for lack 
of trying.


Norm Lewis

-----Original Message-----
From: elena <el...@indra.com>
To: cobirds Colorado Field Ornithoogists <cobirds@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 28, 2012 9:45 pm
Subject: [cobirds] Boulder raven antics

Yesterday at the 29th Street Mall in Boulder, a pair of common ravens was 
perched in the roof trusses of the roof over the parking garage.  Their 
vocalizations were tremendously amplified, resonating through the garage and 
walkway.   They weren't feeding on anything, just sitting and calling.  We 
traded a number of resonant "quorks" and I would have stayed to see what they 
were going to do but had an appointment at the Apple store. Then today at 1 pm 
raven chased a red tailed hawk over Valmont and 28th street, both zigzagging 
pretty low over the traffic.  

Elena Holly Klaver,  Niwot

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