Posted on behalf of JB Hayes.

"Hi, I stopped at SPR [South Platte Reservoir] for a few minutes this a.m.
A large chunk of the east end is open. A scope is required.  There was a
Long-tailed Duck (winter female or first-year male), a dozen Ruddy Ducks,
and a mixed flock of 25 Lesser and Greater Scaup.  There are lots of gulls,
but all I could make out for sure were Herring and Ring-billed...Thanks  JB

I, personally stopped by there this afternoon and found these same birds.  

South Platte Reservoir, Arapahoe, US-CO
Jan 18, 2013 3:50 PM - 4:10 PM
Protocol: Stationary
16 species

Canada Goose  56
Mallard  1
Redhead  2
Ring-necked Duck  10
Greater Scaup  12
Lesser Scaup  4
Long-tailed Duck  1     Female
Bufflehead  1
Common Goldeneye  3
Hooded Merganser  3
Common Merganser  2
Red-breasted Merganser  2
Ruddy Duck  6
American Coot  3
Ring-billed Gull  110
Herring Gull  46

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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