Hi Cobirders, My son Bob took my car and I after 10AM to South Platte to a parking place south of 88th, We started there before 11AM and went downstream on the path along the river. Not too many ducks at first but as we went further toward the large green tank they became plentiful, We saw: approx. numbers

Northern Shoveler  400+  mostly male in several groups
Gadwall                       30
American Coot          50
Green-wing Teal       30 male and females
Bufflehead                 20  male and 2 female
Common Goldeneye 20 pairs
American Wigeon        2
Greater Scaup 2 (greater come first or mixed later with Lesser Scaup)
Ring-necked Duck      2 males
Barrows Goldeneye    2 pair ( females had mostly orange beaks)
R.B. Gull  (flying over downstream)

Met a birder Mark (Miller) said where the Rusty Blackbirds were 1/2 mile south on the trail to foot bridge . There were 9 feeding in the rocks in the river at east
end of footbridge.
After lunch we headed that way. I am very slow and so Bob went scouting ahead and actually found them (a life bird for him) (Thanks Mark) I quit just south of the 74th Avenue bridge and Bob was coming back and arranged to pick me up at the park lot there.
We both had seen the White Pelican in the river there.

It is nice to see all those male ducks in clean bright plumage ready for spring and so close did not need a telescope.

Bob Spencer N.E. of Golden

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