February 5, 2013, 7:20 AM update, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists
and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message
to the RBA phone, *303 659-8750*, you can skip the recording by pressing
the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.
 It would be helpful if you would spell your last name. Thanks!


Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)**

Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)

Greater Scaup (Arapahoe)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe*)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams*)
Red-throated Loon (Pueblo)

Turkey Vulture (Boulder)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous-winged Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous Gull (Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Boulder, Pueblo)

Sapsucker sp? (Larimer*)
Carolina Wren (Prowers)
Marsh Wren (Jefferson)
Eastern Towhee (Adams, Prowers*)
Swamp Sparrow (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams*)
Rosy-Finches (Grand Jackson and Summit)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Grand, Jackson,  Larimer)
HOARY REDPOLL (Grand, Jackson, Larimer)****


--A female Eastern Towhee was seen along 160th Av. about one mile east of
I-76 on Jan. 31 by Walbek. It was seen in front of a house with large
junipers in the front yard on south side of 160th.

-- On February 4 the small flock of Rusty Blackbirds continues on the South
Platte River, reported by Gilbert, near the mouth of Sand Creek, just south
of where C-470 crosses the river.  Miller reported that  one of the two
White Pelicans first reported by Goulart on Jan 21 was still present on the
river near the I-76 bridge on the 26th, but not since then.  Barrow's
Goldeneyes (both male and female) continue to be seen on the S. Platte
between 78th and 88th (opposite the green & white water tank); per Gilbert.



--Two Long-tailed Ducks (Warneke, Feb 4) were still present on South Platte
Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470).  A
Common Loon was seen on the 2nd, but not the 4th. A dozen Greater Scaup
were on the small lake ("Blackrock Lake") between South Platte Reservoir
and the Platte River in South Platte Park on the Feb 2, as well as 2 more
on Red Tail Lake, which is just north of of Blackrock Lake, updated by
Gillian.   A Swamp Sparrow found by Henwood and Raker on Jan 25 along the
So. Platte about 100 yds. (estimated) downstream (north) from the east-most
parking area here near an island in the river was not seen on the 26th.

--A 1st-cycle ICELAND GULL was seen at Teller Lake #5 on February 1,
reported by Walbek. Other gulls seen here on Feb1 were  an adult Lesser
Black-backed Gull and several adult Thayer's Gulls.  Nunes reported an
adult ICELAND GULL at Teller Lake #5 on Jan. 26; three Lesser Black-backed
Gulls were also here on the 26th.  Kaempfer reported a 1st cycle
Glaucous-winged Gull at Teller Lake #5 on January 24, and on January 18,
Vanderpoel reported a 1st cycle Great Black-backed Gull here.  **On Jan 19
the Great Black-backed Gull was seen at Prince Lake #1 by Kaempfer.

**-- Mlodinow reported the following birds seen at Valmont  Reservoir on
January 27: a Glaucous-winged Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 12 Tundra
Swans, a White Pelican and a Chestnut-collared Longspur.**

- Schmoker reports a Turkey Vulture, unusual in February, at 95th, just
south of Oxford Rd, which is just south of Longmont on Feb 3.


--Maynard reports that the ACORN WOODPECKER continues to be present in SW
Colorado Springs in the 1804 - 1810 section of Cheyenne Blvd. It was seen
again on the 28th.** Sanders saw it on Feb 3.

--On January 18 Filby reported that in Kremmling the feeders in the 900
block of Eagle had 100 Common Redpolls.  60+ Rosy-Finches of all three
species were present.  Mlodinow reported >200 redpolls including 3 HOARY
REDPOLLs seen in Kremmling on Jan 27; rosy finches continued on Feb 3,
reported by Deininger.

--**More than100 redpolls, including at least one HOARY REDPOLL, were seen
in Walden on January 26, reported by Mlodinow. At the Moose Visitor Center
on Feb 3, Deininger reports a White-throated Sparrow and rosy finches, with
more of the latter in Gould.



-- Erthal reported a Marsh Wren and a Swamp Sparrow seen in the Wheatridge
Greenbelt on Jan 22. Both birds were seen in the marsh at the southwest
corner of Bass Lake near the end of the boardwalk. These birds have been
seen off and on since then.

-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported
by Henwood on Nov. 26, continues to be seen at least through  January 29
and is assumed to still be present. ****

--On January 29, Santangelo reported that several Common Redpolls, first
reported on the 14th, were still coming to his feeder in Wheatridge.  His
address is: 3525 Estes St. (two blocks north of Crown Hill Lake and two
blocks south of 38th Ave).  You may park in front of the driveway but
please *do not park in* the driveway and please stay in your car to observe
the redpolls.



--The large flock (>100) of redpolls continues to be seen behind the
Discovery Museum in Ft. Collins, located at Cherry and Mason St, which is
the NW corner of College and Cherry through February 1.  While almost all
are Common Redpolls, multiple observers have seen  HOARY REDPOLLs at this
location since December 23, most recently on Feb1 reported by Sparks.

--One Trumpeter Swan continues on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, on Feb 3,
reported by Rynes.

-- An interesting sapsucker of uncertain identity was reported on January
30 by Leatherman from Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins. It apparently has
plumage features of both Red-naped and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. It favors
a big Scots Pine in the nw corner of the main section of the cemetery west
of the n-s ditch that runs under the entry bridge (which would make it the
nw corner of Section A).  To find the tree, cross the bridge at the entry,
immediately turn right (north) and go all the way north until the road
begins to bend west in the corner.  The pine tree it likes is right at the
bend (the only long-needled pine tree in the general area), between the
road and the bank of the dry ditch.

*--Leatherman reported the following birds seen in the Lamar Community
College woods on January 24: an adult male probable Eastern Towhee, a
Carolina Wren, and several (up to 4) Northern Cardinals. The towhee hangs
out in the area near the feeder east of the library. Please note that
experts differ on whether this is an Eastern Towhee or a possible hybrid
Eastern x Spotted Towhee.
--A juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was present in Willow Creek Park, Lamar,
on Jan 24 reported by Leatherman.

--Sanders reported the following birds seen at Pueblo Reservoir on January
26: at the South Marina a Great Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, and
Red-throated Loon; at West Fisherman Point  a 1st-cyc Glaucous Gull.****

--Nelson reported that the ACORN WOODPECKER was still present at Pueblo
Mountain Park near Beulah on January 16.** It was not seen on Jan 26th, but
is possibly still in the park.


- Deininger reports 3 species of rosy-finches at feeders on private
property, seen on Feb 3.


Go afield and find a bird!

Joe Roller


Denver  303 204-0828  or jroll...@gmail.com

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