The weather did not fail to produce at Manitou Lake today.


A total of 42 species in about 45 minutes at the lake; in heavy snowfall.


Previous Big Day at Manitou Lake for me was 56 species on 5/18/2010. So, I
may have to go back out there and get at least 15 more species this


A new species for me at the lake was a Long-billed Dowitcher, feeding
alongside a Wilson's Snipe at the east end of the boardwalk; only 30 ft


11 new species for the year at the lake; and many rarely seen there.




.         Cinnamon Teal (6)

.         White-faced Ibis (4)

.         Northern Harrier, scaring up the hundreds of Robins and Chipping

.         Willet (3)

.         Long-billed Dowitcher 

.         Wilson's Phalarope (2)

.         Loggerhead Shrike

.         Red Crossbill (40)


Hundreds of American Robins and Chipping Sparrows moving through in waves.
One minute very few were present; then 10 minutes later hundreds of them.
The same with everything else. One minute they were there; then gone 10
minutes later.


Complete list below.


Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


FIRST SIGHTINGS: World: 0, Location: 1, Annual: 11, World Annual: 6

Species: 42 - Subspecies: 1 - Forms: 42

Total Records: 42


Canada Goose                            Branta canadensis            

Gadwall                                 Anas strepera                

Mallard                                 Anas platyrhynchos           

Blue-winged Teal                        Anas discors                 

Cinnamon Teal [a*]                      Anas cyanoptera              

Northern Shoveler                       Anas clypeata                

Green-winged Teal                       Anas crecca                  

Ring-necked Duck                        Aythya collaris              

Common Merganser                        Mergus merganser             

Western Grebe                           Aechmophorus occidentalis    

American White Pelican                  Pelecanus erythrorhynchos    

Great Blue Heron                        Ardea herodias               

White-faced Ibis                        Plegadis chihi               

Osprey                                  Pandion haliaetus            

Northern Harrier [a]                    Circus cyaneus               

Spotted Sandpiper                       Actitis macularius           

Willet [a]                              Tringa semipalmata           

Long-billed Dowitcher [l*]              Limnodromus scolopaceus      

Wilson's Snipe                          Gallinago delicata           

Wilson's Phalarope [a]                  Phalaropus tricolor          

California Gull                         Larus californicus           

Mourning Dove                           Zenaida macroura             

Belted Kingfisher                       Megaceryle alcyon            

Northern Flicker                        Colaptes auratus             

Loggerhead Shrike [a]                   Lanius ludovicianus          

American Crow                           Corvus brachyrhynchos        

Common Raven                            Corvus corax                 

Tree Swallow                            Tachycineta bicolor          

Northern Rough-winged Swallow           Stelgidopteryx serripennis   

Black-capped Chickadee [a]              Poecile atricapillus         

Pygmy Nuthatch                          Sitta pygmaea                

Western Bluebird                        Sialia mexicana              

American Robin                          Turdus migratorius           

Yellow-rumped Warbler                   Setophaga coronata           

Chipping Sparrow [a*]                   Spizella passerina           

Brewer's Sparrow [a*]                   Spizella breweri             

Savannah Sparrow [a*]                   Passerculus sandwichensis    

Song Sparrow                            Melospiza melodia            

White-crowned Sparrow                   Zonotrichia leucophrys       

Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed) caniceps  Junco hyemalis caniceps      

Red-winged Blackbird                    Agelaius phoeniceus          

Red Crossbill [a*]                      Loxia curvirostra            


Birder's Diary - - 5/1/2013

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