Landbirds migration has been excellent in the Canon City area this week.
Here is summary of those I have seen in the past several days:

Northern Waterthrush--Florence River Park (the one time I walked without my
camera & gone when I got it)-seen today

Dusky Flycatcher--Canon City Riverwalk between Sell's Lake and
Raynolds--confirmed by soft 'whit' call-seen yesterday

Plumbeous Vireo-Canon City Riverwalk between Sell's Lake and Raynolds-seen

Nashville Warblers-Canon City Riverwalk between Sell's Lake and
Raynolds-have seen 2-4 daily since May 5  (we don't usually see these much
in spring migration)

Black-crowned Night-Heron-Florence River Park--seen today

Virginia's Warblers--Canon City Riverwalk between Sell's Lake and
Raynolds--have seen 2-4 daily since May 5

Common Yellowthroat--Canon City and Florence--saw first middle of last week
and 2 more today at Florence River Park

Yellow-breasted Chat--Canon City Riverwalk--heard than saw first on May 5
and now hear all over Riverwalk

Yellow-rumped Warblers--Canon City and Florence--very good numbers, I
usually see 75 to 100 daily

Orange-Crowned Warblers--throughout Canon City and Florence--have seen 6-12
daily since last week

Yellow Warblers--throughout Canon City and Florence (even one in my yard
today)--came in middle of last week and are fairly common singing on
territories all over

Wilson's Warbler-Canon City Riverwalk--saw first on May 5 and see 1-2 daily

Lazuli Buntings-Canon City Riverwalk--came in on May 5 and have heard/seen
2-4 daily with a lot of countersinging

Bullock's Oriole--throughout Canon City and Florence-saw first on May 5 and
see 1-3 daily

Black-headed Grosbeak-Canon City Riverwalk--saw first on May 5 and now they
are everywhere (I have 2 males and a female in my yard), male singing

Hermit Thrush--Canon City Riverwalk--continued to see 1-2 daily until today

Evening Grosbeak--throughout Canon City and Florence--came in middle of
last week and have spread to Canon City Riverwalk and residential areas (I
have about 40 in neighbors and my yard eating us out of house and
home)--must be hundreds around here, I can hear them as I drive around
these towns

Lots of phoebes around, will do separate report on them

Pine Siskins--still at feeders in Canon City and Florence--many still
here-I still have about 35-40, when will they leave?

Have uploaded recent photos of Wilson's Warbler, Nashville Warbler,
Plumbeous Vireo, and Dusky Flycatcher

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
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