Joe might do Mother's Day in Phillips County, but I try to head SE on this 
weekend.  Here are some highlights from today-Limon to La Junta the long way.  
The day featured wave after wave of sparrows-mainly Chipping and Lark, but also 
one or two to many of Grasshopper, Vesper, Brewer's, Clay-colored, 
White-crowned and Song.

In Limon, the wetlands at the east end of town were particularly good.  The 
signal was a Northern Waterthrush right after you walk under the RR tracks.  I 
counted 135 Wilson's Phalaropes on the far pond and also had Blue-gray 
Gnatcatcher and Clay-colored Sparrow.

Kit Carson (town not county) had 127 more Wilson's Phalaropes (I kept counting 
in hopes of Red-necked, none found, but I got over 400 Wilson's for the day), 
and Eared Grebe and Swainson's Thrush.  South of town on the old road I had 
Bullock's Oriole and a spotty Summer Tanager.

County Hall in Eads was absent of anything other than House Sparrows and 
Great-tailed Grackles.  That was a disappointment for a place that usually 
produces one or two interesting things.  Elsewhere in town, however, I found a 
White-winged Dove.  Going into Nee Noshe I had to beat off the sparrows, but 
the lake itself is drying up.  Nee Gronde was well stocked with 
shorebirds-about a dozen species including Willet, 7 Black-bellied Plover, one 
Snowy Plover, Baird's, Least, Semi-palmated Sandpiper, etc.  Also FOS Black 
Terns for me.

When I got to Tempel Grove it was raining and very windy, so birding there was 
not particularly productive.  I did get a Swainson's Thrush.  Maybe tomorrow 
I'll try again.  Adobe Creek is lower than I've ever seen it and no longer fun 
to bird.  But I did have seven Chihuahuan Ravens on the way in and four Scaled 
Quail on the way out.

Bill Kaempfer

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