As Joe Roller already posted, I saw a male Piping Plover this morning in 
Phillips County, between county road 41 and the Holyoke airport.  It was in a 
very shallow pool on a concrete slab, along with a Lesser Yellowlegs.  By 10 
A.M., both birds were gone.

Tuesday evening, a Semipalmated Plover was at the Haxtun sewage ponds.  The NE 
pond was drained, with just a shallow pool of water near its eastern end.  By 
noon today, that pool had dried up, and all the shorebirds were gone.

The stream bed north of the Holyoke sewage ponds had two Black-necked Stilts 

Holyoke had two birds today that were previously reported by Steven Mlodinow:  
a Western Grebe at the fishing pond and a Red-bellied Woodpecker north of the 
town park.  Both species are quite uncommon in the county.

Land bird migrants were scarce, except for large numbers of Chipping and 
Clay-colored Sparrows, plus Yellow Warblers.  The most unusual passerine 
migrants were: Gray Catbird (5), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1), Northern 
Waterthrush (1), and Lazuli Bunting (2).

Roger Linfield

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