Rather than just reply to Dave Cameron's post, I will report that Brad
Tyler and I searched hard for the Golden-winged Warbler today at Chico
Basin Ranch, but did not find the Golden-winged Warbler.

There were a dozen or more Swainson's Thrush.  Other good birds at the
Holmes Place/banding station included one or possibly two
MacGillivray'sWarbler, Brown Thrasher, Olive-sided Flycatcher and many
Wood-Pewees, several Common Nighthawks flying and perching, Orchard Oriole
and a very late Red-breasted Nuthatch.  I also heard what I believe to be
an Ovenbird, although there were Northern Mockingbirds around. Many other
common nesters around.

At the headquarters and pond, best bird was probably the White-crowned
Sparrow.  Also two White-faced Ibis.

At Rose's Pond the best birds were a male Blue Grosbeak and a Curve-billed

The wind picked up quite a bit by 10:30 making birding more difficult.  The
prairie is extremely dry at the Ranch.

Later at Big Johnson Reservoir, we saw the Pacific Loon near the dam area.
No terns.

Good birding,
Ken Pals, Colorado Springs

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