Good afternoon!  I have a serious interest in this issue, since I lead monthly 
birding outings for the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  This month's trip 
is to, of course, Prewitt.  After reading Steve's post, I realized that this 
would be a great opportunity to have another of my famous run-ins with the 
authorities (see, Julesburg Elementary School), so I rang up the Division of 
Parks, Wildlife, Birder Harrassment and General Bureaucratic Annoyance (the 
DPWBHGBA if you're looking it up) to see if I could get an answer.  I got one, 
and here it is:

If this looks familiar, it is the same policy that is in place for Jumbo and 
Red Lion.

If you are between the ages of 19-64, you need an Access Pass to so much as set 
foot on the property.  The pass is $36.  If you have a CO hunting or fishing 
license, that will suffice.  If you're a geezer (guilty as charged), you're 

As Steve mentioned, this policy is confusing and unfair, but it is what it is.  
As to the underlying reason- I spoke to a wildlife officer a few years back 
about the -then- new policy at Jumbo.  He explained that there was a developing 
problem at Jumbo with partiers and carousers who were making disturbances and 
trashing the place, especially at night.  His explanation was that the permit 
was a way to give officers an enforceable method for dealing with the problem.  
Sounds reasonable, to a point.  I have never heard that this has been a problem 
at Prewitt, but ........

So, if you are a youngster and you are birding Prewitt without a permit, you 
are at risk for a ticket.


Norm Lewis
Lakewood, CO

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Mlodinow <>
To: cobirds <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 4:57 pm
Subject: [cobirds] CO DOW

Greetings All,

No, this has naught to do with dowitchers.

I find the behavior of the DOW enforcement agents in this state baffling. I've 
had more run-ins (all at Banner Lakes SWA and St Vrain SP) with state wildlife 
enforcement agents than in 20 years in WA (where the number was a lovely zero, 
though the number of locations roughly equal). 

The Banner Lakes guy didn't like where I parked, even though it was not on SWA 
area land and totally legal. He threatened to have my car towed and fine me 
even though he had no jurisdiction to do so. I don't argue with folks carrying 
guns and yelling at me, so I hiked the two miles back to my car and left.

The most recent St Vrain incident on Co Rd 7 occurred a month ago when the 
officer claimed that a clearly unused Osprey nest built along WCR 7 still 
required a 1000 m clearance, even though it was unoccupied because it "might be 
used." In mid-July. Really. 

This Prewitt thing is odd. I've talked to rangers there a dozen or so times 
over the 3 last years, usually chit-chatting about what birds I was seeing. No 
one mentioned a permit. Now they are ticketing folks. I wonder, has anyone in 
COBIRDS land received a warning during the last 3 years? My guess the answer is 
zero, or close to it. None of us regulars out there have received such that I 
know of.

And I could not find, in 20 frustrated minutes, anything about a special permit 
about Prewitt or that any permit was needed simply to enter Prewitt. Maybe 
there is a sign at Prewitt that says such, but their website says naught (as 
far as I can tell) about a Prewitt/Jumbo permit.

This erratic behavior just confounds and irritates me. Signs at Andrick Ponds 
SWA outright contradict themselves and their website. I've encountered this at 
other locations. Most of the officers I've bumped into (like at Prewitt in 
past, and at Andrick recently) have been exceptionally nice, but then you get 
this weird aggressive angry behavior.

I truly wonder what the underlying cause is.

Best Wishes
Steve Mlodinow
Back in Longmont

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