On Thursday afternoon, around 3:30 pm, Jon Rouse and I arrived at Big
Johnson Reservoir.

The primary purpose was to view the Surf Scoters, which would be a life
bird for me.

Thanks to Mark Peterson for finding and posting this bird.  Since I sit at
a desk all day, it is greatly appreciated when anyone posts findings for El
Paso County.  It gives me an excuse to leave work early.  J

When we arrived, we met Mel and Jeanne Goff.  Had an enjoyable hour with
them as we viewed the thousands of birds on BJR.  We viewed the reservoir
from the iron gate on the SW corner of the reservoir.

Jon spotted one of the Surf Scoters about an hour into our viewing.

We then walked the Blue Stem Open Space trail from the parking area to a
fence post on the southern side of the reservoir.  From the south side, the
view was incredibly!  The ability to see the thousands of birds was amazing.
Jon then re-found the three female Surf Scoters.  I was then able to view
this new life bird. Yes!

The following list is provided by the Mel and Jeanne.

16 Canada Geese

4 Gadwalls

65 American Widgeon

6 Mallards

12 Northern Shovelers

5 Northern Pintails

6 Green-winged Teals

1 Canvasback

75 Readhead

2 Ring-necked Ducks

1 Greater Scaup

15 Lesser Scaup

3 Surf Scoters

8 Bufflehead

10 Hooded Mergansers

2 Common Mergansers

100 Ruddy Ducks

1 Pacific Loon

6 Pied-billed Grebe

10 Eared Grebe

60 Western Grebe

1 Northern Harrier

1 Bald Eagle

1 Red-tailed Hawk

400 American Coot

7 Sandhill Cranes

13 Killdeer

20 Ring-billed Gulls

4 California Gulls

12 Black-billed Magpie

50 European Starlings

6 Western Meadowlark

4 Franklin’s Gulls

1 Belted Kingfisher

1 American Tree Sparrow

1 Northern Shrike

Aaron Driscoll

Colorado Springs

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