Sixteen folks joined me along "Raptor Alley" Saturday for GREAT weather, 
raptors and breakfast at "Nunn Cafe" (now known has Honey's Place).

Nunn raptors did not disappoint ... surprise of the day?  Swamp Sparrow 
found by Austin H at drainage crossing WCR 120 west of WCR 27.  Two coyotes 
and 3-4 dozen Pronghorn.

American Kestrel - 12
Prairie Falcon - 2
Ferruginous Hawk - 7
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Golden Eagle - 2
Northern Harrier - 1
Unidentified raptor - 3 (long distance)

Last Thursday I had Merlin in yard (miss Saturday) and yesterday had 
Sharp-shinned Hawk in yard (another miss Saturday).  Early for 
Rough-leggeds, though I had one ten days earlier.

"Raptor Alley" reporting:
  October 13 - 25 raptors
  October 26 - 30 raptors

Watch website below for November raptor outing.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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