This is an interesting thread. Brandon is correct in answering David
Leatherman's question, of "what's next?"
with the reply, "pretty much anything."
And there are specific, evidence-based answers to David's intriguing

First, *Pine Warbler* is not our only "winter warbler."

That status also applies to *Cape May Warbler*, with multiple "after
Halloween" records.
It has been found at bird feeders in winter and visited both Jane Axtell's
and Alex Cruz's feeders daily for a week or more.
(Keep that suet feeder filled, and find a source for overnight Fed-Ex
delivery of meal worms).

Another winter warbler is *Painted Redstart*. Two of Colorado's first four
Painted Redstart records were
from late fall:
Oct 25 through November 8 in El Paso County and
November 16 through 22, Larimer County.

And I recall, possibly correctly, that Peter Gent explored a southeast
Colorado woodlot
in December, a long time ago, and the only bird present was a hardy

This ancient information is from "Bob and Bob," where else?

Joe Roller,

On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Brandon K. Percival

> I was looking over the Pueblo Area Migration Calendar, that Dave Silverman
> has kept track of.  The following warblers have been seen over the years in
> the Pueblo Area, during the months of November or December.
> 1. Blue-winged
> 2. Tennessee (this year, first Nov sighting for the Pueblo Area)
> 3. Orange-crowned *
> 4. Nashville *
> 5. Northern Parula *
> 6. Yellow
> 7. Magnolia
> 8. Cape May *
> 9. Black-throated Green *
> 10. Townsend's
> 11. Blackburnian
> 12. Yellow-throated *
> 13. Pine *
> 14. Prairie *
> 15. "Yellow" Palm * (I'm unaware of a Nov or Dec "Western" Palm in the
> Pueblo Area
> 16. Blackpoll (this year, first Nov sighting for the Pueblo Area)
> 17. Ovenbird
> 18. MacGillivray's *
> 19. Common Yellowthroat *
> 20. Wilson's *
> The starred warblers have also been seen in December in the Pueblo Area.
> Fremont County November warblers, that haven't been seen in Pueblo in Nov:
> 21. American Redstart
> 22. Worm-eating
> Pueblo also had the following three species, in extreme late October.
> Chestnut-sided
> Black-throated Blue
> Hooded
> So, to answer Dave Leatherman's question, on what is next this November,
> well pretty much anything.  Pueblo has been a good warbler location over
> the years in the Nov and Dec.
> Brandon Percival -- Pueblo West, CO
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