Dinosaur Ridge
Colorado, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 15, 2014

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture               5             58             61
Osprey                       1              2              2
Bald Eagle                   0              0             25
Northern Harrier             0              2              2
Sharp-shinned Hawk           3             21             26
Cooper's Hawk                3             30             45
Northern Goshawk             0              1              1
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0              0
Red-tailed Hawk              3             70            200
Rough-legged Hawk            0              2              9
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              0
Ferruginous Hawk             0              1              9
Golden Eagle                 0              3             10
American Kestrel             1             50             64
Merlin                       2              4              4
Peregrine Falcon             0              1              3
Prairie Falcon               0              1              6
Mississippi Kite             0              0              0
Unknown Accipiter            0             12             14
Unknown Buteo                0              8             13
Unknown Falcon               0              1              1
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              2              6

Total:                      18            269            501

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter:        Claude Vallieres

Observers:        Paul Slingsby, Tom Dennehy

Gisela Billmayer, a Jeffco Open Space Nest Monitoring volunteer, was
accompanied by Don Milsten arrived with Tom Dennehy whom the had met on the
hike up. All spent the afternoon with us.

Morning weather was cool with temperatures in 30s to 40s F. with heavy
cloud cover in 90%-100% range throughout the day. At noon the sun shed its
light through the clouds bringing warmth and rising temperatures to the low
60s F.  Little to no wind in a.m. Around noon light winds from the S/SE
brought out a thaw in migrating activity.

Raptor Observations:
Cool morning temperatures kept migrators grounded except for 2 Merlins
during the first hour, flying the same flight line within 10-15 minutes of
each other. Around noon favorable S/SE winds and warming temperature
brought a flurry of 7 migrating raptors which included 1 Osprey, 1 Turkey
Vulture, 3 cooper's Hawks and 2 Red-tailed Hawks. Other migrants included 3
Sharp-shinned Hawks one of which caught prey close by the observation
sight, 1 female American Kestrel and 4 additional TVs,one being a juvenile,
and 1 additional Red-tailed for a day's total of 18 migrants. 

Non-raptor Observations:
The usual array of local raptors and other regular birds were seen and
included: 1 male American Kestrel, 1 female American Kestrel, several TVs,
Sharp-shinned Hawks, Cooper's Hawks and several Red-tailed Hawks, many
displaying extended talons and aerial dives before coming to an abrupt
sailing/still position in the wind. 2 migrating Great Blue Herons soared
above the ridge for a period of time before flying North. Most notably was
a lone Crane, presumably a Sandhill, flew around & beyond Mt Morrison,
heading South. Other birds included White- throated Swifts, Violet-green
Swallows, Mt. Chickadees, Juncos, Black-billed Magpies, Northern Flickers,
Mt. Bluebirds, Western Meadowlarks, Spotted Towhees, Ravens, Townsend's
Solitaire and Western Scrub Jays. Elk were on  the Cabrini Ridge and a lone
Mule deer fed on the Dino Ridge.

Cooler temperature and winds are predicted for tomorrow with late day
rain/snow showers will likely have an impact on migration.
Report submitted by Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (jeff.bi...@rmbo.org)
Dinosaur Ridge information may be found at:

Site Description:
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawkwatch in Colorado and is
the best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Dinosaur
Ridge may be the best place in the country to see the rare dark morph of
the Broad-winged Hawk (a few are seen each spring). Hawkwatchers who linger
long enough may see resident Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie
Falcons, in addition to migrating Swainson's, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned
Hawks, American Kestrels and Turkey Vultures. Peregrine Falcons and
Ferruginous Hawks are uncommon; Northern Goshawk is rare but regular.
Non-raptor species include Rock Wren, and sometimes Bushtit, Western
Bluebird, Sandhill Crane, White-throated Swift, American White Pelican or
Dusky Grouse. Birders are always welcome. 
The hawkwatch is generally staffed by volunteers from the Rocky Mountain
Bird Observatory from about 9 AM to around 4 PM from the first week of
March to the first week of May.

Directions to site:
>From exit 259 on I-70 towards Morrison, drive south under freeway and take
left into first parking lot, the Stegosaurus lot. Follow small signs from
the south side of lot to hawkwatch site. The hike starts heading east on an
old two-track and quickly turns south onto a trail on the west side of the
ridge. When the trail nears the top of the ridge, turn left, head through
the gate, and walk to the clearly-visible, flat area at the crest of the

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