This morning I rode my bike to the McMurry Natural Area and was not 
disapointed.  At the parking lot there was a nice flock of migrants moving 
through some cottonwoods, crack willows, boxelders and siberian elms. 
 There was a female Blackpoll Warbler on the south side of the parking lot 
working its way west.  There was also a Verry and a male American Redstart 
in the same area with about 10 Yellow-rumped Warblers and 2 Swainson's 
Thrushes, maybe the Redstart is the same bird that was there a couple of 
days ago spotted by Aran Meyer.

Also seen in the vicinity was a Gray Catbird, Plumbeous Vireo, Northern 
Waterthrush, Yellow Warbler, Ruby Crowned Kinglet, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 
and 2 flycatchers.  I thought that one of the flycatchers looked good for 
Dusky and the other seemed to be a Least but I am uncertain on these ids. 
 Oh and there was also a Broad-winged Hawk just west of the Parking lot 
calling and flying around.

On my ride to the river there were about 100 from what I saw mostly 
Chipping Sparrows.

Good Birding,
Rob Sparks
Wet Old Town
Fort Collins

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