Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date: May 17, 2014
email: rba AT
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, May 17, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).

Green Heron (Larimer, Pueblo)
GLOSSY IBIS (*Arapahoe)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Delta, El Paso/Pueblo, *Larimer,  *Prowers, Weld)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Boulder)
Caspian Tern (Arapahoe, Denver)
White-winged Dove (*Prowers)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Prowers)
Black Phoebe (*Boulder, Rio Grande)
Cassin's Kingbird (Douglas, *El Paso/Douglas, Weld)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Kiowa)
BLUE-HEADED VIREO (Kiowa, *Larimer, Washington)
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (Adams, El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer, Weld, Yuma)
Blue-winged Warbler (*Jefferson)
Tennessee Warbler (Araphoe, El Paso, *El Paso/Pueblo, Yuma)
Nashville Warbler (Bent, Kiowa, Weld, *Prowers)
Northern Parula (Kiowa, Prowers)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Yuma)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Adams, *Larimer)
Palm Warbler (Adams)
Blackpoll Warbler (Bent, *El Paso/Pueblo,  Jefferson, *Larimer, *Prowers,
Washington, *Weld, Yuma)
Black-and-white Warbler (Boulder, El Paso, Larimer, Weld)
Ovenbird (Bent, El Paso, *El Paso/Pueblo, *Prowers, Pueblo, Weld, Yuma)
Northern Waterthrush (Bent, Arapahoe, Denver, El Paso, *El Paso/Pueblo,
Jefferson, *Larimer, Prowers, Pueblo, Weld, Yuma)
KENTUCKY WARBLER (Boulder, *La Plata)
Hooded Warbler (Bent)
Summer Tanager (Bent, El Paso, Jefferson)
White-throated Sparrow (El Paso/Pueblo, Pueblo, Weld)
Harris's Sparrow (*El Paso/Pueblo, Pueblo, Yuma)
Northern Cardinal (*Prowers)

--A Palm Warbler was reported by Matheus at Rocky Mt Arsenal S of Lake Mary
on May 14.
--At Barr Lake SP on May 15, Sheeter reported GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH and
Black-throated Gray Warbler.

--At Aurora Reservoir (fee) on May 13, Suddjian reported Caspian Tern,
Tennessee Warbler, 6 Northern Waterthrush.
--A GLOSSY IBIS was reported by Teuton at Cherry Creek SP on a pond across
from the model airplane field on May 16.

--3 m PAINTED BUNTINGS were found by Mitchell in Picture Canyon on May 15.

--At Tempel Grove on May 15, Mlodinow reported Ovenbird, Blackpoll Warbler,
Hooded Warbler, Summer Tanager, and Northern Waterthrush.

--A Black Phoebe was reported by Moore at the bridge on Hwy 287 over
Boulder Creek on May 11.  On May 12, Bell reported seeing the Black Phoebe
on the W side of the Boulder Creek Bridge over Hwy 287.  On May 13, Nunes
reported Black Phoebe downstream of Hwy 287 along Boulder Creek on May 13.
 On May 14, Heinrich reported seeing the Black Phoebe at the 109th St
bridge over Boulder Creek, then it flew to the playa and then upstream to
US 287.
--A KENTUCKY WARBLER was reported by Piombino in her yard in North Boulder
County on May 12 to May 15.  Call Pam at 303-776-1939 for updates and
--A f Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Knight W of the boathouse at
Waneka Lake in Lafayette on May 15.

--A juv Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Beason near Paonia near Steven's
Gulch Road close to USFS boundary on May 16.

--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Rurik at Bluff Lake Nature Center
on May 15.
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Hopping at Marston Reservoir on May 15.

--A Cassin's Kingbird was reported by Suddjian at Walker Gravel Pit in
Franktown on May 13.

--On May 13, Farese reported Summer Tanager and 2 Northern Waterthrush at
Sondermann Park.
--A young male Summer Tanager and Black-and-white Warbler were reported by
Getty at Bear Creek Park in Colorado Springs on May 14.

--At Chico Basin Ranch (fee) on May 13, Percival reported GRAY-CHEEKED
THRUSH, 3 Blackpoll Warblers, 2 Tennessee Warblers, 6 Northern Waterthrush,
2 White-throated Sparrows, Harris's Sparrow, and Broad-winged Hawk.
--At Chico Basin Ranch on May 15, Percival reported Ovenbird on El Paso
side and m Blackpoll Warbler, Ovenbird, 2 Northern Waterthrush, and
White-throated Sparrow on the Pueblo side.
--At Chico Basin ranch on May 16, Percival reported on the El Paso side:  2
m Blackpoll Warblers, singing m Tennessee Warbler, Ovenbird, Harris's
Sparrow and on the Pueblo side a Cassin's Kingbird.  Farese reported
Northern Waterthrush at Chico Basin on May 16.

--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Chavez at Belmar Historic Park on
May 12.  Shade reported Northern Waterthrush at Belmar Park on May 13.
--On May 15 at Belmar Park, Chavez reported PRAIRIE WARBLER and Blackpoll
Warbler by the small pond near the gazebo.  Sanders reported a molting m
Summer Tanager on May 15.
--A Blue-winged Warbler was banded by McBurney at the RMBO Chatfield
Banding Station on May 16.

--At Neegronda Reservoir on May 15, Mlodinow reported Yellow-throated Vireo.
--At Neenoshe Locust Grove on May 15, Mlodinow reported BLUE-HEADED VIREO,
Northern Parula, and Nashville Warbler.

--Morris reported a KENTUCKY WARBLER and Northern Waterthrush in his yard
in Durango by the Fish Hatchery on May 16.  Birders are welcome to try to
find the birds.  His house is at the bottom of the hill as you enter
Durango Fish Hatchery on Hwy 550, address is 141 E 16th St.  If you get too
close to the top of the yard you might disturb the neighbor dogs.

--A Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Panjabi along the Poudre River
at the end of Sharpe Point Drive in Fort Collins on May 13.
--3 Broad-winged Hawks were reported by Sparks over Old Town Fort Collins
on May 13.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Sparks behind Museum of Discovery
in Fort Collins on May 13.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Panjabi at Dixon Reservoir on May
--2 GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH were reported by Baron at Kingfisher Point Natural
Area on May 14.
--An ARCTIC TERN was reported by Komar at the S end of Boyd Lake in
Loveland on May 14.
--A Northern Waterthrush and Green Heron were reported by Meyer at Lee
Martinez Park in Fort Collins on May 15.
 --A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Meyer at McMurry Natural Area in
Fort Colllins on May 15.
--2 Northern Waterthrush were banded by Harris at the RMBO Fort Collins
Banding Station on May 15.
--At Dixon Reservoir on May 16, Pals reported a Blackpoll Warbler and
Biggerstaff reported Black-throated Gray Warbler.
--At Lee Martinez Park around the RMBO banding station, Panjabi reported a
Blackpoll Warbler on May 16.
--A BLUE-HEADED VIREO was reported by Sparks at McMurry Natural Area on May
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Sparks at Lee Martinez Park on May 16.

--On May 15 at LCCW, Mlodinow reported Broad-winged Hawk, Ovenbird, 2
Northern Waterthrush and BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER.
--On May 16 at LCCW, Dan Maynard reported Calling EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE at the
S end, Broad-winged Hawk, White-winged Dove, Red-bellied Woodpecker
Nashville Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Ovenbird, Northern Cardinal.

--A f BAY-BREASTED WARBLER was reported by Simmons at Home Lake on May 12.
--2 Black Phoebe were reported by Simmons on CR 18 W of Del Norte on May 13.

--A BLUE-HEADED VIREO and pair of Blackpoll Warblers were reported by
Walbek at Last Chance on May 15.

--On May 13 at Crow Valley, Leatherman and Mlodinow reported 7 Blackpoll
Warblers, 12 Northern Waterthrush, 3 Ovenbirds, 2 GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH, 1
White-throated Sparrow, 1 Green Heron, 3 Cassin's Kingbirds.  On May 13,
Chavez reported PINE WARBLER and juv Broad-winged Hawk at Crow Valley
--On May 14 at Crow Valley, Minner-Lee reported GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH,
Ovenbird, Black-and-white Warbler, 12+ Northern Waterthrush, PINE WARBLER,
5 Blackpoll Warbler, Nashville Warbler.
--On May 15 at Crow Valley, Pals reported Broad-winged Hawk, 1
Black-and-white Warblers, PINE WARBLER, and GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH.  Deininger
reported PINE WARBLER, MOURNING WARBLER, and Swamp Sparrow at Crow Valley
on May 15.
--A Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Mlodinow at Eaton Cemetery on May 13.
--A Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Kogler at Norma's Grove on May 16.

--At Stalker Pond on May 14, Mlodiow reported Northern Waterthrush, 3
Blackpoll Warblers, Tennessee Warbler, and Harris's Sparrow.
--At Wray Fish Hatchery on May 14, Mlodinow reported GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH.
--2 Tennessee Warblers were reported by Mlodinow at Laird on May 14.
--On May 14 at shelterbelts off of Hwy 385 N of Wray, Mlodinow reported
MOURNING WARBLER, Northern Waterthrush, Black-throated Blue Warbler, and
Blackpoll Warbler.
--At Hale Ponds on May 14, Mlodinow reported GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH, Blackpoll
Warbler, and Ovenbird.

DFO Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 17 will be Birding by Ear at
Roxborough State Park led by Alison Kondler (303-973-3959).  Meet inside
the Visitor Center at 0730.  Will start with an indoor presentation then
take an easy 1.5 mile guided bird walk.  Return time between 1100 and 1200.

Space is limited.  Please preregister by calling the park number above
during business hours.  Program is free, but a CO State Parks Pass or day
fee is required to enter the park.  Please arrive on time.   Bring
binoculars, water, and snacks.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 18 will be to Chico Basin Ranch led by
Paul Slingsby(720-347-5169 or paslingsby AT  Full day trip.
 There will be a north Denver carpool meeting place a 0600 and a south
Denver carpool meeting place at 0630.  RSVP via phone or email for meeting
instructions.  Limited to 12 participants.  Bring lunch and plan to be back
at the south carpool meeting place a 1700.  Chico Basin is a prairie oasis
with off-trail (long pants) walking to visit wetland, cottonwoods, shrubs,
and grassland.  $10 fee per person for a group of six or more otherwise $15
per person.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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