There is a considerable showing by Bobolinks within the first 200 yards of the 
trail west of the Reservoir Ridge Natural Area Trailhead/Parking Lot on the 
west side of Fort Collins (Larimer).  The parking lot is just west of Overland 
Trail north of Lee Lake (i.e. about a mile north of Vine Drive).  These birds 
have just shown up this week, as best I can determine from City and RMBO folks. 
 Yesterday there were at least 5 males and 1 female.  Nesting has occurred in 
this area the past couple years, both in the private hayfield area to the north 
of the fence, and on City property south of the fence and trail.  The City area 
is a "sead" (new word for a sea of seeds) of dandelions and other "weedy" 
plants typical of former ag/pasture land returning to a more wild state.  It 
appears the small population of Bobolinks that for years tried to make a go of 
it in actively mowed hayfields south of Bellvue has moved a few miles southeast 
over to the Reservoir Ridge Trailhead area.  They still seem to be preferring 
the hayfields, but perhaps better nesting success on the more passively managed 
City property will encourage them to increasingly nest there.  Kudos to the 
City for obtaining and managing this area.  Please stay on the trail.

This is a great opportunity to hear the wonderful song and other vocalizations 
of Bobolinks, and to see them reasonably close-up.  At least until they pick 
territories and find mates, the males often perch on the fence and trees along 
the fenceline.  Also, yesterday males were seen going into the dandelion forest 
to eat seeds.  The first brave female to show up was being pursued 
relentlessly.  Would you know a female Bobolink if you saw one not next to a 
male, out of context, in a tree or on a fence somewhere?

My late Mom, who grew up in northern Vermont, often told me Bobolink was her 
favorite bird.  I get it, Mom.

Other birds seen along the fenceline and in the City property south of the 
east-west trail:
Vesper Sparrow (singing, will nest there)
Grasshopper Sparrow (one heard, has nested here in the past)
Eastern Kingbird
Western Kingbird (pair)
Chipping Sparrow (several in the row of pines near the parking lot)
Brewer's Sparrow (will nest in the area?)
Lark Sparrow (few, will nest in the area)
Red-tailed Hawk (apparently nesting near the old homestead)
Say's Phoebe (1)

A reminder: one couple reported seeing a Western Rattlesnake sunning in the 
middle of the trail a mile or so west of the parking lot.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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