COBIRDS: what a beautiful morning in extreme SW Grand Co., where I spent 
about 1.7 hours slowly working CR 111 for about 1.6 miles above Radium, 
mainly PJ woods.  Although there are not any summer/fall records of 
Black-throated Gray Warblers in eBird for the county (coverage artifact?), 
they were the commonest species (18 on the tally sheet), all in mixed-spp 
flocks.  [I did not hear a song of any bird species this morning.]  Other 
mentionables: 1 Gray Flycatcher, 4 Black-chinned Hummingbirds, 1 
Red-breasted Nuthatch (post-breeding disperser), 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 
(ditto), and, for me, the biggest surprise ... a Scrub Jay (solo wandering 
bird -- no scrub oak anywhere that I could see.  Gruesome details 
at:   Van Remsen 
(currently in Walden)

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