Compiler: Allison Hilf
Date: September 7, 2014
This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, September 7, 2014 sponsored by 
Denver Field Ornithologists and Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Mississippi Kite (El Paso, Weld)  
Pacific Loon (Park)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Kiowa)
Long-tailed Jaeger (Pueblo)
Laughing Gull (Weld)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Logan,Sedgwick)
Caspian Tern (Morgan Pueblo)
Arctic Tern(Washington/Logan) 
Buff Breasted Sandpiper (*Morgan)
Red-heased Woodpecker (*Morgan)
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (Phillips)
Eastern Wood-Peewee (Weld)
Alder Flycatcher (Kiowa,Yuma))
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (Bent)
Least Flycatcher (Conejos)
Gray Flycatcher (Jefferson, Washington,Weld, Yuma)
Great-Crested Flycatcher (Bent)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (Prowers)
Bell's Vireo (*El Paso)
Red-Eyed Vireo (Jefferson)
Philadelphia Vireo (*Prowers) 
Black Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
Sprague's Pipit (*Boulder)
Pygmy Nuthatch (Larimer)
Canada Warbler (Adams, Fremont, Washington)
Blackburnia Warbler (Logan)
Eastern Towhee (Logan)
Baltimore Oriole (Bent)
Baird's Sparrpow (Conejos,*El Paso,Logan)

--A CANADA WARBLER was banded at Barr Lake RMBO Banding Station on August 28 
and 29.
--A CANADA WARBLER was reported by  Bunker at Barr Lake SP on August 30.

--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Sheeter at Cherry Creek SP on 
August 29.

-A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (immature male) was reported by Nelson near the 
John Martin State Park Visitor Center.  It was in the "triangle" north of the 
visitor center very close to the "John Martin Reservoir" sign. It liked to 
perch beneath the canopy of the two juniper trees flanking the sign, often 
taking foraging sallies out into the mowed weeds, fence lines and lowest 
branches of trees and utility poles nearby on September 2.

--A Great-Crested Flycatcher was reported by Nelson at Temple Grove on 
September 5.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Nelson at Temple Grove on September 5.


--A Sprague's Pipit was reported by Severs at Lagerman Reservoir on September 6.


--A probable adult Baird's Sparrow was reported by Beaty on CR 21 between CR Y 
and CR W.5 about 4 pm on September 1.   
--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Beaty Other at Pike's Stockade on 
September 1. 

--A BAIRD'S SPARROW was found by Driscoll on Drennan Road on August 26. Many 
individuals have since reported up to 4 BAIRD'S SPARROWS near the intersection 
of Drennan and Hemmingway (this area is east of Colorado Springs). The most 
recent sightings were on September 6 by multiple birders. 
Note, it would  be most appreciated if those of you who have been there to go 
to your "My eBird" section and then to Locations and change the name to Drennan 
Road from whatever name you used for species seen near there. This way, data 
will aggregate that will be quite useful this year and subsequently to document 
dates, numbers, dwindling and "gone" dates.
--A Bell's Vireo was reported by Peterson at Hanson Nature Area (AKA Area 7 of 
Fountain Creek Regional Park), between the two small ponds that are on the west 
side of Fountain Creek.
 --A male CANADA WARBLER was reported by Rich Miller on the eastern section of 
the Canon City Riverwalk on August 30.  The warbler was about 200 yards W of 
the old MackKenzie Ave parking area.  The old parking area is about 1/4 mile 
walk from the present parking area.

A Lesser Black-Backed Gull (second cycle) was  reported by Sheeter hanging out 
in the parking lot of the North Boat Ramp with some Ringers, but it had flown 
off before she had left on September 2.

--A Red-eyed Vireo was reported by Suddjian along Deer Creek near the Lyons 
Formation hogback (east of Valley Road) on September 2.
--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Suddijian in Ken Caryl Valley the Dutch 
Creek Trail at the Dakota Formation hogback non September 2.

--An ALDER FLYCATCHER was reported by Mlodinow at Neenoshe Reservoir Locust 
Grove on August 30.
--3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers were reported by Mlodinow at Jett Reservoir on 
August 30.

--A Jaeger Species was reported by Lefko just left of Timnath.   From south 
shore park it was due north with throngs of gulls and terns on September 1.  
Note, this is within the window when Long-tailed is perhaps the expected 
species.  An adult Long-tailed was seen yesterday on Ogallalah Res near Lake 
McConaughy in western NE on a CFO Convention field trip led by John Vanderpoel. 

--An EASTERN TOWHEE was reported by Walbek at Tamarack Ranch SWA on August 30 
and by Goulart on August 31.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Goodrich at Jumbo Reservoir on 
August 30 and by Taylor on August 31.
--A BAIRD'S SPARROW was reported on August 31 by Peterson on Rd. 93, just north 
of the intersection of RD 40.  This is south of I-76 from exit 155. 
--A Blackburnian Warbler was reported by Kellner on August 31 at Prewitt 
Reservoir below the dam in the "Black Locust" grove.  This grove is to the west 
of the Logan County parking lot below the dam (Open Goggle Maps and copy/paste 
the following into the search box:  40.435750, -103.357993 ) 

--A Caspian Tern was reported by Nikolai at Jackson Reservoir on August 29.
--A Red headed Woodpecker was reported by Miller at Jackson Reservoir, along 
CO-144 about 0.3 miles west of MP 20 (there's a sharp turn and a cluster of 
speed limit signs) on September 6.
--A Buff-breasted Sandpiper was reported by Miller at Jackson Reservoir on 
September 6.

--Am American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Suddjien at Timberline 
Campground in Pike NF, off County Road (CR) 58, on the east side of Kenosha 
Pass on September 3.
--A Pacific Loon  was reported by Suddjien at Antero Reservoir on September 3.

--A RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Dowell at Lion's Club Fishin' 
Hole on August 30.

--An Ash-throated Flycatcher was reported by Mlodinow at Lamar Community 
College Woods on August 30.
--Philadelphia Vireo was reported by Stulp at Lamar Community College on 
September 6.

--A LONG-TAILED JAEGER was reported by Percival at Pueblo Reservoir on 
September 5.
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Roller at Pueblo Reservoir at the island at 
West Fisherman's Point on September 5.

--1 Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Chris Goulart at Jumbo Reservoir 
on August 31.

--A Canada Warbler was reported by Kellner on August 31  in the inlet canal 
grove and a Canada Warbler in the inlet canal grove ( Open Goggle Maps and 
copy/paste the following into the search box:  40.404031, -103.390887 ).
--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Kibbe at Akron Golf Course on September 1.  

--1 Eastern Wood-Pewee was reported by Mlodinow at Pawnee National 
Grassland--Crow Valley Campground on September 5.
--2 Mississippi Kites were reported by Amershek at Glenmere Park on August 26.
--A Laughing Gull was reported by Cathy Sheeter at Stewart's Pond on August 31.
--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Dowell at Pawnee National 
Grassland--Norma's Grove on September 1.

--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Mlodinow at Wray Fish Hatchery on August 29.
--A Gray Flycatcher was reported by Kellner at Wray Fish Hatchery on September 
--An Alder Flycatcher was reported by Mlodinow at Hale Ponds on August 31.

DFO Field Trips:

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday. September 7 is to Bluff Lake Nature Center and 
will be led by A.J. Gest  ( or 303-994-2420). The trip is 
from 7:30 AM - 11:00AM.  From I-70 East, go south on Havana Street and left 
onto E 29th Dr, which then joins Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Continue on Martin 
Luther King Jr Blvd to Bluff Lake Nature Center in the park on left side.  The 
trip is limited to the first 12 registrants.
Easy walk of 1.5 miles on fairly level paths through the cattails and 
cottonwoods. We could spot some interesting waterfowl, early fall migrants, and 
the resident raptors. Bring water, binocs, and dress for the weather; scopes 
are optional. There are portable toilets on site. If not registering online, 
please contact leader to register. 

Good Birding,
Allison Hilf

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