Three birders from the south (two from El Paso Co. and me from Pueblo Co.), 
came north to walk around the lovely Chatfield Botanical Gardens on this lovely 
day, with many other birders.  As far as I know, no flycatchers were found.  It 
is a cool place, which I had not been to before.  We saw a nice flock of small 
birds:  Bushtits, Brown Creepers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, etc.  Also, two adult 
Bald Eagles flew over.
Later, a quick stop at the Fishing Pier (which I call murrelet point, since 
some people lucky people have seen two species of murrelets from here -- I am 
not of one of those lucky people unfortunately) at Chatfield Reservoir, 
yielded: Red-necked Grebe (one), Greater White-fronted Goose, Bonaparte's 
Gulls, American White Pelican, Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneye, etc.
It was nice to see or wave at some of my birding friends from Northern Colorado 
today, since I'm always a rare sight north of Monument Hill, I don't see some 
of these people very often (unless they come south). 
Good birding,
Brandon PercivalPueblo West, CO

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