I had a group of about 15 white-throated swifts at 1pm over the Arkansas River 
near the Osprey Picnic Area below the dam at Pueblo. They were working their 
way downstream presumably feeding on a hatch of Beatis mayflies. 

Preston Larimer
Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 15, 2015, at 1:31 AM, cobirds@googlegroups.com wrote:
> cobirds@googlegroups.com      Google Groups                              
> Topic digest 
> View all topics
> Christmas Bird Counts - Eastern White-breasted Nuthatches - 2 Updates
> Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County, Dec. 14 - 1 Update
> Birds at Chatfield Reservoir (Jefferson and Douglas counties) - 1 Update
> Juvenile Sapsucker ID Question - Araphoe County - 1 Update
> Yellow-throated Warbler Fort Collins - 1 Update
> CCSP--Long-tailed Duck - 1 Update
> CCHS - Ross's Goose (Arapahoe) - 1 Update
> Lesser Black-backed Gull/Weld - 1 Update     
> Goshawk - Golden - Jeffco - 1 Update
> Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 14 December 2015 - 1 Update
> Christmas Bird Counts - Eastern White-breasted Nuthatches     
> "Brandon K. Percival" <flammow...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 12:29PM 
> Hi all,
> Would people going on Colorado CBCs be interested in keeping track of the 
> sub-species of White-breasted Nuthatches on your Colorado CBCs this year?  
> This year you can enter Eastern White-breasted Nuthatch and Interior 
> White-breasted Nuthatch, if you see/hear any on your Christmas Bird Counts 
> (mostly Easterns on found Eastern Plains counts, though it is possible to see 
> them on the Front Range too).  It might be nice to report the number of 
> Easterns on Colorado CBCs this year (in-case they get split sometime).  The 
> Easterns have pale blue backs and sound like Red-breasted Nuthatches, and the 
> Interior ones have darker blue backs.  Compilers who wish, can add Eastern 
> and Interior White-breasted Nuthatches to your list, of course you get both, 
> it only counts as one species.
> Also, it looks like you can only enter one number for Snow Goose, so both 
> white and blue will be just one number.  Also, it doesn't appear you have to 
> keep track of Adult and Immature Bald and Golden Eagles.  Not sure if there 
> are any other changes to how to enter numbers of birds into the CBC Website 
> or not.
> Also, a reminder about flickers.  In Eastern Colorado, we have a good number 
> of intergrade flickers, so you can't assume a flicker you are hearing and 
> don't see is a Red-shafted.  So, please report these as Northern Flicker.  If 
> you see you flicker, and can tell it is a Red-shafted, that is good, or an 
> intergrade, or a Yellow-shafted.  Though, heard only flickers should be 
> reported as Northern Flicker. 
> Have a good Christmas Bird Count Season everyone. Brandon PercivalColorado 
> CBC Regional Editor
> Pueblo West, CO
> Ted Floyd <tedfloy...@hotmail.com>: Dec 14 09:10PM -0800 
> Thanks, Brandon, for the exhortation to pay attention to white-breasted 
> nuthatches. Steve Mlodinow provides a superb review in *Birding*:
> http://aba.org/birding/2014-MAY-JUN/14-3_08Mlodinow-R4.pdf
> Ted Floyd
> Lafayette, Boulder County
> On Monday, December 14, 2015 at 5:29:16 AM UTC-7, Brandon wrote:
> Back to top
> Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County, Dec. 14     
> Ted Floyd <tedfloy...@hotmail.com>: Dec 14 09:07PM -0800 
> Hello, Birders.
> With Elena Klaver, Johanna Beam, Topiltzin Martínez, Hannah Floyd, and 
> Andrew Floyd, I participated this sunny Monday morning, Dec. 14, in the 
> Fountain Creek Christmas Bird Count. Highlights for us at Fountain Creek 
> Regional Park proper were 2 *wood ducks,* 18 *hooded mergansers*, a 
> *columbarius 
> merlin,* a *winter wren,* a *marsh wren,* 2 *ruby-crowned kinglets,* and a 
> *purple 
> finch. *Photos, audio, and numbers here:
> http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S26313619
> The folks in the other groups found lots of other great birds, but I'm too 
> tired to remember any of it. Thanks to Dan Maynard for the fun count, as 
> always. Oh, yes, and before it all got started, up in Boulder County, a 
> marvelous showing by the *Geminid meteor shower.*
> Ted Floyd
> Lafayette, Boulder County
> Back to top
> Birds at Chatfield Reservoir (Jefferson and Douglas counties)     
> Charlie Lawrence <a...@comcast.net>: Dec 15 12:23AM 
> I checked out the area today that I have for the CBC on Saturday. Muddy 
> trails but all five lakes on the east side of the Platte to the south of 
> Kingfisher Bridge have open water. Hopefully at least some of them will stay 
> open on Saturday even with 2-3 days of cold weather. Best birds found were 3 
> Ruby-crowned Kinglet's and a couple of Western Scrub Jays.
> I also spent some time scoping the main Reservoir from the sand spit. I was 
> able to pick out one male Red-breasted Merganser out of the hundreds of 
> Common Merganser's below the dam. I also had 2 Common Loons in the same area. 
> I didn't see any unusual Gulls.
> I checked out South Platte Reservoir (Jefferson and Arapahoe Counties) 
> looking for Scoters. None were found. Many Ring-necked Ducks, Common 
> Goldeneye, Buffleheads and American Coots and a few Ruddy Ducks.
> Good birding and have fun at the Christmas Bird Counts.
> Charlie Lawrence
> Centennial, CO
> Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App
> Back to top
> Juvenile Sapsucker ID Question - Araphoe County     
> Becky Campbell <3rdgenbir...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 04:43PM -0700 
> Cobirders,
> I had a brief visit to my backyard from a juvenile sapsucker this morning.
> It was working in an Ash tree and I was only able to visualize from the
> back (head pale brownish with whitish supercilium and malar? stripe, back
> buffy with irregular brown and blackish barring, some white on rump, white
> stripe on wing). My question:  would this necessarily be a Yellow-bellied
> Sapsucker because it has retained juvenile plumage into December? This is
> the first season I have had a sapsucker in the yard. Interestingly, I had
> a visit from a similar or same individual on Oct 22.
> Thanks,
> Becky Campbell
> just so. of Cherry Creek State Park
> -- 
> Arapahoe County, CO
> Back to top
> Yellow-throated Warbler Fort Collins     
> David Wade <davespeedb...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 02:17PM -0800 
> The third time's the charm, after a failed attempt on Saturday and a chilly 
> hour and a half this morning, I saw the Yellow-throated Warbler this 
> afternoon (Dec 14) at 1:25pm. It held true to it's observed habits so far, 
> it arrived from the pines east of the fence line, dropped down to the suet 
> feeder for a few minutes and then left the same way it came in. I was 
> alerted to it's arrival by a couple of high pitched chip notes before I 
> actually saw it. 
> I would also like to thank Luke and his family for being so kind, gracious 
> and accommodating for allowing all of us twitchers into their yard, Thank 
> You.
> David Wade
> FT Collins, CO
> Back to top
> CCSP--Long-tailed Duck           
> ROBERT RIGHTER <rorigh...@earthlink.net>: Dec 14 03:10PM -0700 
> Hi
> Found Walbek’s f-type, Long-tailed Duck, that he recently reported.
> Since the female L.-t duck is small and rides low, good viewing conditions 
> are helpful in finding it.
> About 1:30 pm, the light from the west was perfect for scoping the water. 
> From the westside, from the peninsula the duck was about 500 yards away 
> viewing towards the dam
> Good luck in re-finding Walbeck’s Long-tailed Duck
> Bob Righter
> Denver CO
> Back to top
> CCHS - Ross's Goose (Arapahoe)     
> Gregg Goodrich <gregggoodr...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 01:08PM -0700 
> Ann Troth and I found the Ross's Goose at the Cherry Creek HS baseball
> field. The field is at Dayton and Chenango which is South of the elementary
> school. Thanks to Glenn Walbek who found this bird on Saturday at CCSP.
> Photos on the eBird list. No grinning patch on this bird. And as National
> Geographic describes, "No black lipstick".
> eBird Checklist – US-CO-Greenwood Village-Cherry Creek State Park -
> 39.6269x-104.8757, Colorado – Mon Dec 14, 2015 – 1 species ( 1 other taxa)
> http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S26305577&share=true
> Gregg Goodrich
> Brighton, CO
> Back to top
> Lesser Black-backed Gull/Weld     
> "The \"Nunn Guy\"" <colorado.bir...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 10:41AM -0800 
> Hi all
> Toured lakes from Greeley to Lake Loveland yesterday. Frozen pond to west 
> of Windsor Lake had an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull hanging out with 
> handful of Ring-billeds.
> Lakes with "huge quantities" of birds
> - Seeley Lake (north half covered with birds--22 Snow Goose, Greater 
> White-fronted Goose)
> - Windsor Reservoir (thousands of birds out in middle)
> Looks like "climate change" will provide us much open water this year for 
> CBCs from what I saw yesterday.
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://coloradobirder.ning.com/
> Mobile: http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m
> Back to top
> Goshawk - Golden - Jeffco               
> Ira Sanders <zroadrunne...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 10:23AM -0700 
> Birders
> The Northern Goshawk is in the tree behind my house right now.
> Ira Sanders
> Golden
> Back to top
> Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 14 December 2015     
> Joyce Takamine <jabir...@gmail.com>: Dec 14 04:13AM -0700 
> Compiler: Joyce Takamine
> e-mail: RBA AT cobirds.org
> Date: December 14, 2015
> This is the Rare Bird Alert, Monday, December 14, sponsored by Denver Field
> Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
> Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
> Trumpeter Swan (Boulder, Grand, Mesa, Weld)
> Tundra Swan (Delta)
> Surf Scoter (Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson)
> White-winged Scoter (*Jefferson, *Otero)
> Black Scoter (*Otero)
> Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe, *El Paso, Logan/Sedgwick, Pueblo, Weld)
> Barrow's Goldeneye (Arapahoe, Chaffee, Larimer, Moffat)
> Red-throated Loon (Arapahoe)
> Pacific Loon (Larimer)
> Red-necked Grebe (Larimer)
> Dunlin (Larimer)
> Thayer's Gull (Adams,Arapahoe, Boulder, Larimer)
> Lesser Black-backed Gull (*Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, El Paso, Larimer,
> Pueblo, *Washington, Weld)
> Glaucous Gull (*Arapahoe, Larimer, Weld)
> Great Black-backed Gull (Douglas, Larimer, Pueblo)
> SNOWY OWL (Denver, Adams)
> Burrowing Owl (Denver)
> White-throated Swift (Pueblo)
> Red-bellied Woodpecker (Bent)
> Black Phoebe (*Fremont, Mesa)
> Eastern Phoebe (Weld)
> Winter Wren (El Paso, Pueblo, *Washington)
> Varied Thrush (Grand)
> Curve-billed Thrasher (Bent, Weld)
> Lapland Longspur (Denver)
> Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
> Snow Bunting (Denver, Weld)
> Northern Parula (Weld)
> Yellow-throated Warbler (*Larimer)
> Canyon Towhee (Bent)
> Golden-crowned Sparrow (Boulder)
> Rusty Blackbird (Adams, Pueblo)
> Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Boulder, Grand)
> Black Rosy-Finch ((Grand, Weld)
> Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Grand, Weld)
> White-winged Crossbill (Clear Creek)
> --A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Ira Sanders at Barr Lake SP on
> November 28. A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Kevin Keirn at
> Barr Lake SP on Decenber 5. On December 6, Scott Manwaring reported Lesser
> Black-backed Gull and Thayer's Gull at Barr Lake SP. On December 10, David
> Dowell reported 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 1 ad Thayer's Gull at Barr
> Lake SP. On December 12, Candice Johnson reported Lesser Black-backed Gull
> at Barr Lake. On December 13, Sue Riffe reported 3 Lesser Black-backed
> Gulls at Barr Lake
> --2 f Rusty Blackbirds were reported by Norm Erthal below the dame at Barr
> Lake SP on November 30. On December 1, Gregg Goodrich reported 2 f Rusty
> Blackbird at Barr Lake SP.
> --A SNOWY OWL was reported by Bill Hutchinson and Jonnie Thompson somewhere
> in Adams County on December 5.
> --On November 27, Gene Rutherford and Craig Rasmussen reported Glaucous
> Gull at Cherry Creek SP. On December 9, Bob Righter reported Glaucous Gull
> at Cherry Creek SP.
> --On November 30, Karl Stetcher reported Red-throated Loon at Cherry Creek
> Reservoir seen from picnic tables S of the marina.
> --On November 30, David Suddjian reported 3rd-cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull
> at Cooley Lake.
> --On December 2, Bob Righter reported ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Cherry
> Creek SP.
> --On December 6, Scott Somershoe reported ad Lesser Black-backed Gull and
> Thayer's Gull at Cherry Creek SP.
> --On December 6, Glenn Walbek reported Long-tailed Duck at Cherry Creek SP.
> --On December 12, Glenn Walbek reported f Long-tailed Ducks, Barrow's
> Goldeneye, ad Glaucous Gull, and ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Cherry
> Creek SP.
> --On November 16, Duane Nelson reported that he has had f-type PURPLE
> FINCH, m Red-bellied Woodpecker, Curve-billed Thrasher, and Canyon Towhees
> visit his feeders in Las Animas. Birders are welcome if you notify Duane
> in advance at dnelson1 ATcenturytel.net On November 19, Duane Nelson
> reported that the f-type PURPLE FINCH returned and the other birds
> continue.
> --On November 24, Stephen Knox reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller
> Farm.On November 27, Ted Floyd and Tracy Pheneger reported Golden-crowned
> Sparrow at Teller Farm. On December 6, Jack B, holdne Maxfield, and Ryan
> Bushong reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller Farm.
> --An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Peter Gent at Baseline
> reservoir seen from Cherryvale Road on December 2.
> --Ted Floyd reported an ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Waneka Lake on
> December 2.
> --On December 6, Carl Starace reported 3 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch at
> Allenspark.
> --On December 9, Carl Starace reported a pair of Trumpeter Swans and W end
> of Burch Lake. Burch Lake is S of Hwy 66 and just W of N 75th in
> Longmont. On December 10, John Vanderpoel reported pair of Trumpeter Swans
> at Burch Lake.
> --30 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Presto Larimer on the Arkansas
> River in South Main River Park in Buena Vista on December 9.
> --2 White-winged Crossbills were reported by Scott Manwaring on Guanella
> Pass on December 11.
> --3 Tundra Swans were reported by Scott Jorgensen at Sweitzer Lake on
> December 2.
> --A SNOWY OWL was reported by Bill Hutchinson in Adams County on December
> 5, but he did not disclose the exact location so it could have been in
> Denver County. In most of the reports of the DIA SNOWY OWL on eBird on
> December 6 appear to
> be in Denver County. The county lines near the airport are confusing. The
> DIA SNOWY OWL was reported by Behnfield and many other birders on December
> 6. On December 7, Bart DeFerme and many others reported SNOWY OWL and
> Burrowing Owl at DIA. The SNOWY OWL was not seen on December 8. On
> December 9, the DIA SNOWY OWL was reported by Cynthia Madsen and Norm
> Erthal around noon near the usual spot of E 114th and Trussville. Cynthia
> Madsen also reported 8 Lapland Longspurs at the same spot. Kyle Medina
> also reported the SNOWY OWL around 2 pm. The SNOWY OWL was seen around
> 3:30 pm by the Drummond party on December 9. The SNOWY OWl was not seen on
> December 10. On December 12, Matt Clark reported SNOWY OWL and 2 Lapland
> Longspurs on the DIA owl loop.
> --24 Lapland Longspurs were reported by Sam Fason on Gun Club Road S of E
> 112th Ave on December 6.
> --A Snow Bunting was reported with Horned Larks by Scott Manwaring on the
> DIA Owl Loop on December 6.
> --15 Lapland Longspurs were reported by David Dowell at DIA NE on December
> 10. On December 11, Chris Rurik reported 20 Lapland Longspurs at DIA Owl
> Loop.
> --A Great Black-backed Gull was reported by Linda and Lee Farrell at the
> Marina at Chatfield SP on December 6. On December 7, Tim Ryan reported
> Great Black-backed Gull off Chatfield Marina.
> --2 f-type Surf Scoters were reported by David Suddjian at Chatfield SP on
> December 1.
> --An ad Great Black-backed Gull was reported by Jesse Casias at Chatfiled
> SP on December 5.
> --A Winter Wren was reported by Bill Maynard at Fountain Creek RP on
> November 29. On December 7, Tim Leppek reported WInter Wren at Fountain
> Creek RP.
> --An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Sam Fason at Big Johnson
> Reservoir on December 6.
> --4 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Mark Peterson at Big Johnson on
> December 11. On December 13, David Chartier reported 2 Long-tailed Ducks
> at Big Johnson.
> --A Black Phoebe was reported by SeEtta Moss at Fremont Sanitation Plant in
> Florence on December 13.
> --A Trumpeter Swan was reported by Carol Hunter at Lake Granby Dille Dock
> on November 30.
> --A Varied Thrush has been visiting the yard of Cathy Craig in Granby since
> late November. Cathy is willing to allow birders to come and try to see
> the thrush. But she does not want anyone to come closer to the feeders
> than the block that she will place in the driveway. Please contact her at
> PioneerCSC at aol.com for information. On December 6, Carol Hunter and
> Cathy Craig reported that the Varied Thrush continues to come to the
> feeders. On December 8, Mark Chavez reported Varied Thrush, 100
> Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, and 5 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch in Granby at home of
> Cathy Craig. On December 12, Scott Manwaring reported Varied Thrush, 4
> Hepburn's Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, 55 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch and 1 Black
> Rosy-Finch at yard of Cathy Craig in Granby.
> --On November 14, Bill Kaempfer reported 2 Surf Scoters at South Platte
> Reservoir on the Jefferson County side. On November 17, David Suddjian
> reported 2 f-type Surf Scoters at South Platte Reservoir. On November 23,
> David Suddjian reported 2 f-type Surf Scoters at South Platte Reservoir.
> On November 27 Dale Pate reported 2 Surf Scoters at South Platte
> Reservoir. On November 30, David Suddjian reported 2 f-type Surf Scoters
> at South Platte Reservoir.
> --On December 7, a f White-winged Scoter was reported by David Suddjian at
> South Platte Reservoir. On December 8, Phil Lyon reported White-winged
> Scoter at South Platte Reservoir. On December 13, Dale Pate reported
> White-winged Scoter at South Platte Reservoir
> --A Dunlin was reported by Irene Fortune at Lake Loveland on November 29.
> On November 30, Nick Komar reported Dunlin at Lake Loveland. Two Dunlin
> were reported by Nick Komar and Mark Chavez at Lake Loveland on December
> 1. On December 3, Irene Fortune reported pair of Dunlin at Lake Loveland.
> On December 4, 2 Dunlin were reported by Lori Zabel, Chris Goulart, and
> David Wade at Lake Loveland. On December 5, Dave Leatherman reported 2
> Dunlin in the NW corner of Lake Loveland. On December 6, 1 Dunlin was
> reported by Denise Bretting at Lake Loveland. On December 9, Gregg
> Goodrich reported Dunlin and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Loveland. On
> December 10, Josh Bruening reported 2 Dunlin and Lesser Black-backed Gull
> and Thayer's Gull at Lake Loveland. On December 11, Josh Bruening reported
> 1 Dunlin and imm Glaucous Gull at Lake Loveland. On December 12, John
> Shenot reported ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Loveland. On December
> 12, Nick Komar reported 3 Thayer's Gulls at Lake Loveland.
> --At Lake Loveland on December 1, Mark Chavez reported 1 Lesser
> Black-backed Gull and 1 Thayer's Gull. On December 5, Dave Leatherman
> reported 1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull.
> --On December 5 at Boyd Lake, Nick Komar and Austin Hess reported 3 Lesser
> Black-backed Gulls and 1 juv Great Black-backed Gull.
> --A Red-necked Grebe and Pacific Loon were reported by Andy Bankert at
> Rawhide Power Plant on December 6. On December 7, Dave Leatherman reported
> Red-necked Grebe and Pacific Loon at Hamilton Reservoir by Rawhide Power
> Plant.
> On December 10, Josh Bruening reported Red-necked Grebe and f Barrow's
> Goldeneye at Rawhide Power Plant.
> --On December 8 Josh Bruening reported m Barrow's Goldeneye at Timnath
> Reservoir.
> --On December 11, Jeff Birek reported Yellow-throated Warbler in Fort
> Collins. The warbler is visiting the feeders in the backyard of Luke
> Caldwell at 1520 W Mountain. Caldwell welcomes birders to enter his yard
> through the front and proceed along the east side.  The bird spends most of
> the time visitng the feeder in the pine trees along the east fence line
> near the alley. On December 12, Dean Shoup reported Yellow-throated
> Warbler on W Mountain. On December 13, Dave Leatherman, Nick Komar, and
> Gwen Moore reported Yellow-throated Warbler at 1520 W Mountain Ave in Fort
> Collins.
> --On December 12 at Larimer County Landfill, Nick Komar reported 2nd-cyc
> Glaucous Gull, 3 Thayer's Gulls, and 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
> --A Long-tailed Duck was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Jumbo Reservoir on
> December 7.
> --At Highline Lake SP on November 28, Mike Henwood and Rom Lambeth reported
> 5 ad Trumpeter Swans. On November 29, Nic Korte reported 5 Trumpeter Swans
> at Highline Lake SP. On December 4, Mike Henwood reported 10 Trumpeter
> Swans (9 ad, 1 juv) at Highline Lake SP. On December 6, David Price
> reported 7 Trumpeter Swans at Highline Lake SP. On Decmeber 9, Steve Brown
> report 10 Trumpeter Swans including 1 juv at Highline Lake SP.
> --On December 2, Mike Henwood reported Black Phoebe at Redlands Parkway
> Ponds.
> --A White-winged Scoter was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir
> on December 2. On December 7, Stan Oswald reported White-winged Scoter and
> f Black Scoter at Holbrook Reservoir. On December 11, Norm Erthal reported
> Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter at Holbrook Reservoir. On December
> 13, Stan Oswald reported Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter at Holbrook
> Reservoir.
> --On December 2, Margie Joy reported seeing White-throated Swifts at Pueblo
> Reservoir. On December 3,
> Brandon Percival and Steve Mlodinow reported 17 White-throated Swifts over
> the Arkansas River and Valco Ponds #2 and #3. This is the first state
> record of White-throated Swifts in December. On December 5, Bill Kaempfer
> reported 3 White-throated Swifts at Valco Ponds SWA and Chris Gilbert
> reported 2 White-throated Swifts at Pueblo Reservoir. On December 7,
> Margie Joy reported that White-throated Swifts continue to be seen along
> the Arkansas River below Pueblo Reservoir Dam. On December 11, Stephany
> McNew reported 4 White-throated Swifts at Valco Ponds SWA.
> --On December 3, Brandon Percival reported 1 Rusty Blackbird and 1 Winter
> Wren east of Valco Ponds
> --Brandon Percival reported a m Long-tailed Duck at Pueblo Reservoir off
> West Fishing Road on December 3.
> --By the South Shore Marina tires, Steve Mlodinow reported 5 ad Lesser
> Black-backed Gulls and Brandon Percival reported that the Great
> Black-backed Gull continues. On December 11, Norm Erthal reported Great
> Black-backed Gull at S Shore Marina tires of Pueblo Reservoir.
> --A Winter Wren and a juv Lesser Black-backed Gull were reported by David
> Dowell at Prewitt Reservoir on December 13
> --At Windsor Reservoir on December 1, Mark Chavez reported Glaucous Gull
> and Lesser Black-backed Gull.
> --2 Curve-billed Thrashers were reported by Norm Nerthal at Raymer on Rd
> 116 on December 4.
> --A Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch was reported by Lori Zabel at Sandstone Ranch
> on December 4. After reviewing her photo,
> Leukering and Mlodinow declared the bird a Black Rosy-Finch.
> --A Trumpeter Swan was reported by Jack B at Union Reservoir on December
> 6. On December 7, Norm Erthal reported Trumpeter Swan at Union Reservoir.
> On December 8, Tim Ryan reported Trumpeter Swan at Union Reservoir.
> --2 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Norm Erthal at Poudre Ponds in
> Greeley on December 7. The ponds are on 35th Ave N of F Street.
> --On CR 125 from Carr to US 95, Steve Mlodinow reported 35 Hepburn's
> Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch and 45 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, and 1 Black
> Rosy-Finch on December 11.
> --At Pawnee National Grasslands Adams and Bunker Reservoir #1 on December
> 11, Steve Mlodinow reported 125 Lapland Longspurs, 1 Chestnut-collared
> Longspur, and 1 Snow Bunting.
> DFO Field Trips:
> No Field Trips Scheduled until December 26. Help with a Christmas Bird
> Count.
> Good Birding,
> Joyce Takamine
> Boulder
> Back to top
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