Visited Big Johnson yesterday from 1pm-2pm. Did not find Long-tailed Duck
nor Loon. 


Did get 21 species of the common stuff. See below.



Jeff J Jones

( <>

Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


Species: 21 - Subspecies: 0 - Forms: 21

Total Records: 21


Canada Goose          Branta canadensis       

Gadwall               Anas strepera           

American Wigeon       Anas americana          

Mallard               Anas platyrhynchos      

Northern Shoveler     Anas clypeata           

Green-winged Teal     Anas crecca             

Redhead               Aythya americana        

Ring-necked Duck      Aythya collaris         

Lesser Scaup          Aythya affinis          

Bufflehead            Bucephala albeola       

Common Goldeneye      Bucephala clangula      

Hooded Merganser      Lophodytes cucullatus   

Common Merganser      Mergus merganser        

Ruddy Duck            Oxyura jamaicensis      

Horned Grebe          Podiceps auritus        

Eared Grebe           Podiceps nigricollis    

Northern Harrier      Circus cyaneus          

American Coot         Fulica americana        

Ring-billed Gull      Larus delawarensis      

Red-winged Blackbird  Agelaius phoeniceus     

Western Meadowlark    Sturnella neglecta      


Birder's Diary - - 3/6/2016

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