Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
e-mail:    RBA AT
Date:  May 19, 2016
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 19, 2016, sponsored by Denver
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Note / warblers and other migrants on the move.  Go out and find more!!

Mexican Mallard (Huerfano)
Long-tailed Duck (Alamosa)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Eagle)
Chukar (Montezuma)
Least Bitter (*Boulder)
Green Heron (Arapahoe, *Kit Carson, Lincoln)
Glossy Ibis (La Plata, Morgan)
Broad-winged Hawk (Bent, Denver, *Kit Carson, Larimer, Weld)
Snowy Plover (Pueblo)
Upland Sandpiper (Logan)
Whimbrel (Morgan)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Weld)
Ruddy Turnstone (Weld)
Dunlin (Alamosa)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Weld)
Lesser  Black-backed Gull (Pueblo)
Least Tern (Bent)
Black Swift (*El Paso)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Baca, Crowley, *El Paso, *Kit Carson, Logan, Otero,
Acorn Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Least Flycatcher (Boulder, Denver, Elbert, *El Paso, *Jefferson, *Kit
Carson, Logan, Pueblo, Washington, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Boulder, Jefferson, *Larimer, Otero, Weld)
Black Phoebe (Boulder, Delta)
Cassin's Kingbird (Baca, Jefferson, *La Plata, Larimer)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Kit Carson, La Plata)
White-eyed Vireo (*Arapahoe)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Prowers)
Carolina Wren (Pueblo)
Bewick's Wren (Otero)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (Bent, Washington, Weld)
Varied Thrush (Larimer)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*El Paso)
McCown's Longspur (Weld)
Ovenbird (Boulder, Elbert,  Jefferson, Pueblo, Washington)
Northern Waterthrush (Boulder, El Paso, Garfield, Jefferson, La Plata,
Larimer, Logan, Otero, Pueblo, *Rio Grande, Washington, Weld)
Blue-winged Warbler (Bent, El Paso)
Black-and-white Warbler (Jefferson)
Tennessee Warbler (Boulder, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Logan, Pueblo,
Nashville Warbler (Jefferson, Washington, Weld)
Northern Parula (Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Elbert, Jefferson, Morgan, Prowers,
*Rio Grande)
Magnolia Warbler (Boulder)
Blackburnian Warbler (Boulder, *Jefferson)
Blackpoll Warbler (Adams, Bent, Boulder, Denver, El Paso, *Jefferson, *Kit
Carson, *Larimer, Weld)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Boulder, *El Paso)
Palm Warbler (Yuma)
Prairie Warbler (Phillips)
Grace’s Warbler (Mesa, Pueblo)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Ellbert, Huerfano, Jefferson)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Prowers)
Summer Tanager (Elbert, Otero)
Northern Cardinal (Logan)
Painted Bunting (Baca)
EASTERN TOWHEE (Kit Carson, Logan)
Field Sparrow (Logan)
Bobolink (Arapahoe, El Paso, Huerfano, Jefferson, La Plata)
Baltimore Oriole (Logan, Weld)

*****For locations you are not familiar with (e.g. "Lower Latham"), please
refer to CFO's Colorado County Birding site for directions:

---On May 15 a f Blackpoll warbler was reported by Susan Rosine at Rocky
Mountain Arsenal NWR.

---On May 14 a Long-tailed Duck, Dunlin, and LAUGHING GULL were reported by
Team Sapsucker at San Luis Lakes.

---On May 18 a White-eyed Vireo was reported by Jared Del Rosso on the High
Line Canal Trail in deKoevend Park.  The Vireo was also seen by Jessi
Oberbeck and Dean Shoup.
---On May 14 a Bobolink was reported by Ben Sampson at Cherry Creek Sp next
to Cottonwood Creek Wetlands.  On May 15, Gene Rutherford reported 2 male
Bobolink at West Marina Parking Lot at Cherry Creek SP.
---On May 14 a Green Heron and Northenr Parula were reported by cheri
Phillips at Marjorie Perry Nature Preserve.

---On May 14 a Red-headed Woodpecker, Cassin's Kingbird, 2 Canyon Towhees,
and a m Painted Bunting were reported by Nick Komar in Picture Canyon.

---On May 15 at Tempel's Grove, Dave Leatherman reported singing m
Blue-winged Warbler, Gray Checked Thrush, 3 m Blackpoll Warblers.
---On May 16 Least Terns were reported by Duane Nelson at Lake Hasty.

---On May 18 a Least Bittern was reported by Jeff Parks at Cottonwood Marsh
in Boulder.
---On May 17 a m Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Scott Severs at 4949
Pearl E Circle in Boulder
---On May 16 at Greenlee Preserve, Ted Floyd reported Blackpoll Warbler,
Northern Waterthrush, Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 15 an ad m Magnolia Warbler was reported by Peter Burke on CU
East Campus in Boulder.  On May 16, Christian Nunes reported Magnolia
Warbler and 1 Least Flycatcher on CU East Campus.  On May 17, Mark
Minner-Lee reported Least Flycatcher at CU East Campus and Sue Riffe
reported Magnolia Warbler and m Blackburnian at CU East Campus.
---On May 15 a Tennessee Warbler was reported by Peter Burke at Eben G Fine
Park in Boulder.
---On May 14 2 Northern Waterthrush were reported by Joel Such and Neil
Gilbert on Appple Valley Road in Lyons.
---On May 14 a Black Phoebe was reported by Christian Nunes at 75th and
Boulder Creek.  On May 15 Kathy Mihm Dunning reported Black Phoebe at 75th
and Boulder Creek.
---On May 14 a Northern Waterthrush was reporited by Joel Such and Neil
GIlbert at Walden Ponds.
---On May 14, a Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Jeff Park at Marshall
---On May 14 a Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Dane Houser and Joel Such
and Neil Gilbert at Walden Ponds in Boulder.
---On May 14 a Tennessee Warbler was reported by Chuck Hundertmark at 75th
and Boulder Creek.
---On May 14 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported by Christain Nunes
and Peter Burke at S Mesa Trailhead near bridge over Boulder Creek.
---On May 11 an Ovenbird was reported by Michael Morton on Skunk Canyon
Trails in Boulder.  On May 13, Michael Morton refound the Ovenbird on Skunk
Canyon Trails.  On May 14, Mark Minner-Lee reported Ovenbird at Skunk
Canyon Trails.

---On May 14 a Northern Parula was reported by Roger Linfield at Kit Carson.

---On May 12 a Red-headed Woodpecker was reported by Andrew Farnsworth on
CR 23 south of Sugar City.

---On May 17 a Least Flycatcher was reported by Chris Wood and Jessie Barry
at Bluff Lake.
---On May 16 a Least Flycatcher was reported by Chris Wood and Jessie Barry
at Devner Botanic Gardens and Cheesman Park.
---On May 16 a Broad-winged Hawk and Least Flycatcher were reported by Doug
Kibbe at Bear Creek Park.
---On May 16 a male Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Candice Johnson at
First Creek Trail.

---On May 16 3 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Dick Filby at Spring
Park Reservoir.

---On May 13 a Black-throated Gray Warbler was reported by David Suddjian
at Simla and nearby Big Sandy Creek.
---On May 13 at Horse creek near CR 133, David Suddjian reported Least
Flycatcher, Summer Tanager, and Northern Parula.
---On May 13 at Horse Creek near CR 149 David Suddjian reported an Ovenbird.

---On May 18 at Chico Basin Ranch, Steve Mlodinow reported Red-headed
Woodpecker, EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE, 3 Least Flycatchers, 2 Curve-billed
Thrashers, and Black-throated Blue Warbler.
---On May 18 at Prospect Lake in Memorial Park, Rob Hinds reported a Black
---On May 15 in wooded area of Chico Basin, Team Sapsucker reported 8 Least
Flycatchers and f Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 14 a Bobolink was reported by Bill Kosar on Shumway Road So of
intersection with Squirrel Creek Road.
---On May 14 a Tennessee Warbler, Blue-winged warbler and 2nd year male
Summer Tanager were reported by Sam Fason at Chico Basin Ranch.  On May 14,
David Tonnessen, Joy and Leonard Lake reported Curve-billed Thrasher and
Blue-winged Warbler at Chico Basin.
---On May 14 a Least Flycatcher was banded by Steve Brown at Cold Spring
---On May 11 a Northern Waterthrush was banded by Steve Brown at Clear
Spring Ranch.  On May 12, the Northern Waterthrush was re-captured by Steve
Brown.  On May 15 a Northern Waterthrush was banded by Steve Brown at Clear
Spring Ranch.

--On May 15 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Tom McConnell and Dick
Filby at Silt Island.

---On May 13 a Mexican intergrade Mallard was reported by Marshall Iliff at
CR 315 ponds.
---On May 13 a Bobolink was reported by Marshall Iliff at La Veta, CR 262.
---On May 13 a Grasshopper Sparrow was reported by Chris Wood at Apache
City on Hwy 670.
---On May 14, Team Sapsucker reported Black-throated Gray Warbler between
Walsenberg and Aguilar.

---On May 17 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Rachelle McClish at
Belmar Park and a f Black-throated Gray Warbler was reported by Rob Raker.
---On May 16 a Northern Parula was reported by Mark Chavez at Harriman Lake
---On May 16 a f Nashville Warbler was reported by David Suddjian at
Hildebrand Ranch Park.  OnMay 16 a Least Flycatcher was reported by David
Suddjian at Hildebrand Ranch Park.
---On May 16 a Black-throated Gray Warbler was reported by David Suddjian
at Deer Creek Canyon Park on Rattlesnake Gulch Trail.
---On May 15 a Blackburnian Warbler and Blackpoll Warbler were reported by
Robert Rake at Bear Creek Lake Park, Big Soda Lake.
On May 16 at Bear Creek Lake Park, Big Soda Lakes N trail Tim Ryan reported
3 least Flycatchers, Gray Flycatcher, Tennessee Warbler, and ad m Blackpoll
Warbler.  On May 16, at Bear creek Lake Park, Big Soda Lakes N Trail, a
Tennessee Warbler and Blackburnian Warbler were reported by Phil Lyon,
Chris Wood, and Jessie Barrie.  On May 16, Mark Chavez reported Tennessee,
Blackpoll, and Blackburnian Warblers at Bear Creek Lake Park.  On May 17,
the f Blackburnian Warbler was seen by Tim Mitzen, Robert Martinez, Glenn
Walbek, and Mark Peterson at Bear Creek Lake Park.  Dean Shoup had
Tennessee Warbler and Blackburnian Warbler on May 17, and  Tom Behnfield
had Blackburnian, Tennessee, and Black-throated Gray Warbler at Bear Creek
Lake Park on May 17.  On May 18, Chris Goulart reported f Blackburnian
Warbler at Bear Cereek Lake Park.
---On May 15 Meredith McBurney banded f Black-and-white Warbler, 2 Least
Flycatchers, and Northern Waterthrush at Chatfield Banding Station.  On May
16  and May 18m Meredith McBurney banded a Least Flycatcher.
---On May 15 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by Chris Goulart at Bear Creek
Lake Park on Big soda Lakes N Trail.
---On May 15, Gwen Moore and Susan Bonfiglio reported Least Flycatcher,
Ovenbird, f Blackburnian Warbler and m Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 15 at Harriman Lake Park, Glenn Walbek reported Gray Flycatcher,
Northern Parula, and f Blackpoll Warbler.  On May 18 a f Blackpoll Warbler
was reported by Matt Clark and Susan Bonfiglio at Harriman Lake Park.
---On May 14 an imm f Blackburnian Warbler and 2 Nashville Warblers were
reported by JoAnn Hackos at Bear Creek Lake Park.
---On May 14 a Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-white Warbler, Nashville
Warbler, Black-throated Gray Warbler, and Cassin's Kingbird were reported
by Lock Kilpatrick at Harriman Lake Park.  On May 14 a f Blackpoll Warbler
was reported by Mark Chavez at Harriman Lake Park.
---On May 14 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by Frank Farrell at Harriman
Lake Park.
---On May 13 a Northern Parula was reported by Mark Chavez at Harriman Lake
---On May 13 a Black-throated Gray Warbler was reported by Tom Behnfield at
Harriman Lake Park and the warbler was refound by Mark Chavez.
---On May 13 a Boblink was reported by Phil Lyon at Harriman Lake Park.

---On May 18 at Flager Reservoir SWA, Glenn Walbek, Mark Peterson, and
David Dowell reported Green Heron, Broad-winged Hawk, Red-headed
Woodpecker, ALDER FLYCATCHER, 2 Least Flycatchers, and Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 16 a f EASTERN TOWHEE was reported by Nick Komar at Flagler
Reservoir SWA.
---On May 14 a Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Kathy Mihm Dunning at
Flagler Reservoir SWA.

---On May18 at Bodo Park Preserve, 2 Cassin's Kingbirds were reported by
Jason St. Pierre.
---On May 15 at Pastorius Reservoir, Jason St Pierre reported Glossy Ibis,
Cassin's Kingbird, Northen Waterthrush, ad m Bobolink.  On May 17 Jason St
Pierre reported Northern Waterthrush at Pastorius Reservoir.
---On May 13 a Boblink was reported by Susan Allerton at Pastorius
—On May 7 a Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Ryan Votta at Pastorius
reservoir this morning.  It was feeding in a small tree beside the bridge
over the inlet canal before it flew to the cottonwoods along the shoreline
to the N of the canal. Ryan re-found the vireo about 20 minutes later on
the s side of the canal in the cottonwoods along the road.  It fed and
moved continuously and was last seen at 12:45 pm in the small bunch of
trees to the east of the inlet ditch at the property line.  Within minutes
a hail/rain/storm storm blew in.  Hopefully the cutie sticks around for
other birders to enjoy.  On May 10 Jason St Pierre reported Yellow-throated
Vireo at Pastorius Reservoir.  On May 13 Susan Allerton, Heather, and Riley
Morris reported Yellow-throated Vireo at Pastorius Reservoir
—On May 14 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by David Dunford at
Pastorius Reservoir.

---On May 18 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by Georgia Doyle at Salyer,
McMurry and Magpie Meander Naturnal Area by Georgia Doyle.
---On May 18 an ad m Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Sean Walters on the
CSU Campus on N side of Engineering Parking Lot.
---On May 16 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by Georgia Doyle on CR 5 from
CR 82 to CR 92.
---On May 15, a Broad-winged Hawk and Tennessee Warbler were reported by
Walter Wehtje at CSU Environmental Learning Center.
---On May 15 a Broad-winged Hawk and Cassin's Kingbird were reported by
David Wade at Riverbend Ponds NA.
---On May 15, 3 Cassin's Kingbirds were reported by Robert Beauchamp at
Running Deer and Cottonwood Hollow Natural Area.
---On May 15 a f Varied thrush was reported by Bobbie Tilmant at Southridge
Golf Course, 9th Fairway in Fort Collins.
---On May 15 2 Northern Waterthrush were reported by Rob Sparks at McMurray
Natural Area.

---On May 14 a Green Heron was reported by Roger Linfield at Doug Kissel
Pond in Limon.

---On May 16 an Upland Sandpiper and Bell's Vireo were reported by Glenn
Walbek and Lock Kilpatrick at Red Lion SWA.
---On May 16 Glenn Walbek and Loch Kilpatrick reported 2 Red-headed
Woodpekcers, 2 Field Sparrows, pair of EASTERN TOWHEES on CR 93 near S.
Platte River east of Crook.
---On May 16 Glenn Walbek and Loch Kilpatrick reported at Tamarack Ranch
SWA 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, Least Flycatcher, 2 Northern Waterthrush,
Tennessee Warber, 4 Field Sparrows, Northern Cardinal, and Baltimore Oriole.

--On May 14 Grace's Warbler was reported by Mike Henwood on Telephone trail.

---On May 13 a chuckar was reported by May Goldenberg at Cortez Bird
Festival at Mesa Verde NP on side of Knife Edge Trail.

---On May 15 a Glossy Ibis was reported by Matt Clark, Gwen Moore, and
Susan Bonfiglio near Snider on CO 71 between CR JJ and CR II.
---On May 14 a Whimbrel was reported by Bill Kaempfer at playas along CO 71
at CR JJ, II, and HH.
---On May 14 a Caspian Tern and Northern Parula were reported by Bill
Kaempfer at Jackson Lake SP.

---On May 14 at Rocky Ford SWA Ryan's Pond Mark Peterson reported
Red-headed Woodpecker, singing Gray Flycatcher, 4 Bewick's Wrens, 2
Northern Watertrush and Summer Tanager.

---On May 15 a m Prairie Warbler was reported by Roger Linfield in Holyoke.

---On May 16 a m Black-throated Green Warbler was reported by Dave
Leatherman at Fairmount Cemetery in Lamar.
---On May 13 a f Purple Martin was reported by Nick Komar and Forrest Luke
at Thurston Reservoir.

---On May 16 Brandon Percival reported Carolina Wren on the Arkansas River
between Reservoir Drive and Dutch Clark Stadium.  On his Walk from Pueblo
City Park he reported Tennessee Warbler and Least Flycatcher.
---On May 14, 4 Black rail were reported by Brandon Percival at marshes on
40th Lane.
---On May 14 a Snowy Plover was reported by Brandon Percival at Huerfano
---On May 14 a 4th year Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Brandon
Percival at Pueblo Reservoir South Shore Marina tires.
---On May 14 a singing Ovenbird was reported by Brandon Percival above
---On May 14 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Brandon Percival at
Fish Hatchery below Pueblo Reservoir Dam.
—On May 14 Dale Adams reported 2 Acorn Woodpeckers and 1 Grace's Warblers
at Pueblo Mountain Park.

---On May 18 at Home Lake, John Rawinski reported m Northern Parula.
---On May 18 at Wright Schriver SWA 2 Northern Waterthrush were reported by
John Rawinski.

---On May 17 at Last Chance Rest Area, Mark Peterson and Glenn Walbek
reported 3 Least Flycatchers and m MOURNING WARBLER.
---On May 16 at Last Chance Tina Jones reported 2 Northern Waterthrush and
Nashville Warbler.
---On May 14 at Prewitt Reservoir, Judith Henderson reported Gray-cheeked
Thrush, Ovenbird and MOURNING WARBLER.

---On May 16 a White-rumped Sandpiper was reported by Steve Mlodinow at
Firestone Gravel Pits.  On May 17, Candice Johnson reported 2 White-rumped
Sandpipers at Firestone Gravel Pits.
---On May 16 a HUDSONIAN GODWIT was reported by Steve Modlinow at Behrens
reservoir and seen by Glenn Walbek and Loch Kilpatrick.
---On May 16 at Glenmere Park in Greeley, Steve Mlodinow reported
Broad-winged Hawk, Northern Waterthrush, 2 Tennessee Warblers, Nashville
Warbler, and Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 16 at Norma's Grove, Steve Mlodinow reported 2 Least Flycatchers
and Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 16 a Baltimore Oriole was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Crow
Valley CG.
---On May 15 a Short-billed Dowithcer was reported by Robert Bauchamp at
Crom Lake.
---On May 15 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Mark Miller at Norma's
---On May 14, 2 Ruddy Turnstones were reported by Judith Henderson at
Stewart's Pond.
---On May 14 a Caspian Tern was reported by Judith Henderson at Union
---On May 14 a Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Fawn Simonds at Linn Grove
Cemetery in Greeley.
---On May 14 Mc Cown's Longspurs were reported by Bill Kaempfer at
intersection of CR 96 and CR 77.
---On May 14 a Gray-cheeked Thrush and Gray Flycatcher were reported by
Bill Kaempfer at Norma's Grove.
---On May 15 a Red-headed Woodpecker was reported by Mark Miller at Crow
Valley CG.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips

The DFO Field Trip for Friday , May 20 will be to Pawnee National Grassland
led by Chuck Hundertmark (chundertmark8 AT; 303-6-4-0531).  This
trip is full.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 21 will be to Wetlands at Chatfield
led by Karen von Slatz (kvonsaltza At; 303-941-4881).  Meet at
Denver Aududbon Nature Center parking lot.  From C-470 drive south on
Wadsworth 4.4 miles.  Turn Left at Waterton Canyon Road and almost
immediately left into Nature Center Parking Lot.
   Will make a 3.5 miles loo through mixed grasslands, stands of cottonwood
and along South Platte River to Banding Station.  Dress in layers and
prepare for warm weather.  Bring plenty of water.  Register online or
contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 22 will be to Chico Basin Ranch led by
Joe Roller (jroller9 At; 303-204-0828).
This trip is full.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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