Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
e-mail:    RBA AT
Date:  August 11, 2016
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, August 11, sponsored by Denver
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

NOTE:  The RBA is using the new AOU checklist and the order of the
famillies has changed

Mallard (Mexican) (Larimer)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield)
Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Mesa)
Dusky Grouse (Boulder, Mesa, Montezuma)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (Logan)
Black Swift (*Boulder)
Snowy Plover (Alamosa)
Piping Plover (Douglas)
Upland Sandpiper (Lincoln)
Whimbrel (Alamosa)
Mew Gull (Larimer)
WESTERN GULL (Washington)
Thayer's Gull (Washington)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Morgan, Washington)
Green Heron (*Huerfano, Larimer, *Mesa)
Lewis's Woodpecker (Boulder)
Red-headed Woodpecker ((Boulder, Logan, Washington)
Red Bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Mesa)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder, Eagle, Mesa, Montezuma)
Least Flycatcher (Washington, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Gunnison, Larimer, Mesa)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Lincoln)
Cassin's Kingbird (Denver, Douglas, Lincoln)
Pacific Wren (Boulder)
Bewick's Wren (Montezuma)
Carolina Wren (Washington)
White-winged Crossbill (Boulder)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Larimer)
McCown's Longspur (Larimer, Lincoln, Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Larimer)
Magnolia Warbler (Washington)
Grace's Warbler (Mesa)

*****For locations you are not familiar with (e.g. "Lower Latham"), please
refer to CFO's Colorado County Birding site for directions:

---On August 2, Gregg Goodrich and Anna Troth reported 15 Snowy Plovers at
Blanca Wetlands on pond just before Mallard Parking Lot.

---On August 7 at Heil Valley Ranch, Carl Starace reported 3 Lewis's
Woodpeckers and 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers.
---On August 6 in Shadow Canyon, Andy Cowell reported m American Three-toed
Woodpecker in the lower part of the canyon and a Dusky Grouse at the top of
the canyon.
---On July 30,  Bill Kaempfer reported 4 White-winged Crossbills flying
over Niwot Ridge.
---On June 24 a singing stub-tailed wren (Winter/Pacific) was reported by
Steve Mlodinow in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP just N of bridge that leads
away from Calypso Cascade towards Ouzel Falls.  On June 28, a Pacific Wren
was reported by Bill Rowe just below Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of
Rocky Mt NP.  On July 4, Kathy Mihm Dunning reported Pacific Wren at
Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.  On July 9 at Wild Basin in
Rocky Mt NP, David Dowell reported Pacific Wren, Black Swift on nest, 2
American Three-toed Woodpeckers.  On July 16, at Wild Basin, Ouzel Falls in
Rocky Mountain NP, Nick Moore reported Pacific Wren.  On July 19 Tim Mitzen
reported Pacific Wren near Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.
On July 23 Chris Gilbert reported Pacific Wren at Ouzel Falls in Wild Basin
of Rocky Mt NP.  On July 20, Todd Deininger reported Pacific Wren at
Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.  On July 24 Christian Nunes
reported 2 Black Swifts and 4 Pacific Wrens at Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.
On July 29, Sue Riffe reported Pacific Wren, 2 American Three-toed
Woodpeckers and 7 Black Swifts at Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.   On August
10, Peter Gent reported a juvenile Black Swift on nest under the overhand
west of Ouzel Falls in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.

---On August 1 a Cassin's Kingbird was reported by Doug Kibbe at Westerly

---On August 6 an imm Piping Plover was reported by Joey Kellner at Marina
Sandspit at Chatfield SP.
---On July 29 2 Cassin's Kingbirds were reported by David Sheppard in Lone
Tree.  They were east of Monarch Blvd and south of Rocky Heights Middle

---An American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Bob Righter on Cross
Creek Trail about 4 miles south of Minturn on July 28.

---On July 28, a f Barrow's Goldeneye with 3 ducklings was reported by Jo
Ann Riggle at Trappers Lake and Leon Thurmon reported F Barrow's Goldeneye.

---On August 10, Polly Wren Neldner reported a juv Green Heron at a small
pond W of Horseshoe Lake in Lathrop SP.

---On August 5, David Wade found a 2nd-cycle Mew Gull at Horsehsoe
Reservoir and Nick Komar reported a Mallard (Mexican) at Horseshoe
Reservoir.  On August 9 a Mew Gull was reported by Nick Komar at Horseshoe
---On August 5, Jim Nelson reported a Northern Waterthrush at
Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuary in Estes Park.  The bird was on the est side
of the pine cover peninsula.
---On August 1 and 3 a Green Heron was reported by Richard Herrington at
Running Deer Natural Area.
---On July 31, a Mallard (Mexican) was reported by Sean Walters at
Horseshoe Reservoir.
---On July 11 BAIRD'S SPARROWS were reported in a news release at Soapstone
Prairie Natural Area.  Biologists from Bird Conservancy of the Rockies have
confirmed the presence of male and female BAIRD'S SPARROWS on the
grassland.  Best place to search for the sparrows in on the Pronghorn Loop
Trail, especially the easternmost 2 miles.  On June 15, Norm Lewis reported
3 BAIRD'S SPARROWS at Soapstone Prairie.   On July 13, Brandon Nooner,
David Wade, and Nick Komar reported 12 McCown's Longspurs and 6 BAIRD'S
SPARROWS at Soapstone Prairie on the Pronghorn Loop Trail.   On July 14,
Anna Troth and Gregg Goodrich reported BAIRD'S SPARROW at Soapstone Prairie
NA.  On July 15, Steve Mlodinow reported 15 Chestnut-collared Longspurs, 2
McCown's Longspurs, and 8 BAIRD'S SPARROWS; Kathy Mihm Dunning reported 3
McCown's and 6 BAIRD's SPARROWS at Soapstone Prairie NA.  On July 15, Nick
Komar reported 8 BAIRD'S SPARROWS along Pronghorn Loop Trail; 4 BAIRD'S
SPARROWS along Plover trails and  lots ov McCown's Longspurs on Plover
Trail.  On July 16, Bez Bezuidenhout and Chris Gilbert reported BAIRDS'S
SPARROWS at Soapstone Prairie NA.   On July 17, Dean Shoup reported 3
BAIRD'S SPARROWS at Soapstone Prairie NA; Irene Fortune reported 1
Chestnut-collared Longspur and 4 BAIRD'S SPARROWS on the Plover Trail; Adam
Vesely reported 6 McCown's Longspurs and 5 BAIRD'S SPARROWS on the Plover
Trail; and Glenn Walbke reported 9 McCown's Longspurs and 6 BAIRD'S
SPARROWS on the Pronghorn Loop.  On July 19, Jerry Baines reported 2
BAIRD'S SPARROWS and 6 Chestnut-collared Longspurs at Soapstone Prairie.
On July 20, David Leatherman, David Wade, Georgia Doyle, and Nick Komar
reported 8 McCown's Longspurs, 15 BAIRD'S SPARROWS and 1 Chestnut-collared
Longspur at Soapstone Prairie.  Four singing male Baird's were along the
Pronghorn Loop Trail, 1 singing male at the intersection of Proghorn Loop
and Plover Trail and 5 Singing males along the Plover Trail, 4 of which
were paired up with females.  On July 21, Craig Rasmussen reported
Chestnut-collared Longspur and McCown's Longspur and 5 BAIRD'S SPARROWS to
the rt and left of junction of plover and pronghorn trail at Soapstone
Prairie.  On July 23, Nick Komar reported Chestnut-collared Longspur, 18
McCown's Longspurs, and 9 BAIRD'S SPARROWS (6 singing males) at Soapstone
Prairie.  On July 27, Nick Komar and Laura Keene reported Singing BAIRD'S
SPARROW and 10 McCown's Longspurs at Soapstone Prairie.  On July 30, Nick
Komar reported 12 singing male BAIRD'S SPAROWS at Soapstone Prairie; 5
north of trail junciton, 6 south, and 1 west of stakeout area.  Komar
reported one juvenile BAIRD'S, but not photo so far.  Also reported was a
Gray Flycatcher and 20 McCown's Longspurs.  On July 31, Joey Kellner
reported 9 McCown's Longspurs (5 ad, 4 juv) and a singing BAIRD'S SPARROW
along the Plover Trail just east of first gate.  On August 6, Nick Komar et
al reported 8 McCown's Longspurs, Chestnut-collared Longsurps  and 2
BAIRD'S SPARROWS (1 ad, 1 juv) east of trail junction.  On August 6,
Zachary Loman reported 1 BAIRD'S SPARROW and 1 McCown's Longspurs on the
Proghorn Loop Trail at Soapstone Prairie.

---On August 6, Glenn Walbek and Steve Larson reported 2 Red-headed
Woodpeckers and EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE at Tamarack Ranch SWA.
---On July 23 an Upland Sandpiper was reported by Bill Kaempfer east of
Crook on US 138.  On July 31, Rudi Nuissl reported an Upland Sandpiper on
US 138 between Proctor and Crook.

---On August 8, Mike Henwood reported a Green Heron at Redlands Parkway
---On August 3 in Jack's Canyon Area, Rhonda Woodward reported Gray
Flycatcher and 2 Grace's Warblers.
---On July 21, 2 American Three-toed Woodpeckers were reported by Mike
Henwood at Fruita Reservoir #1.  On July 29, Mike Henwood reported a f
American Three-toed Woodpecker at Fruita Reservoir #1.
---On July 21 a f Gunnison Sage-Grouse was reported by Mike Henwood at
Glade Park, Pinyon Mesa.  On July  31 at Glade Park, Mark and Denise
Vollmar reported Dusky Grouse, 6 Gunnison Sage-Grouse and 2 American
Three-toed Woodpeckers.

---On August 9 a NEOTROPIC CORMARNAT was reported by Maureen Briggs at
Chipeta Lake SWA.
---On August 7 a NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was reported by Sandy Beranich at
Baldridge and Ute Parks.

---On August 7, 5 Bewick's Wrens were reported by David and Timothy Swain
in McElmo Canyon on Roads G and J.
---On July 31, 3 Dusky Grouse and an American Three-toed Woodpecker were
reported by Brook O Connor at Rd 566 in Echo Basin in San Juan Mountains.
On August 1, Brook O Connor reported 2 American Three-toed Woodpeckers at
Rd 566 in Echo Basin.

---On July 31, a 1-st cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by David
Dowell at Jackson Lake SP.

---On July 18 at Prewitt Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported WESTERN GULL,
Thayer's Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Red-headed Woodpecker, Least
Flycatcher, and Magnolia Warbler.  On July 23 at Prewitt, Bill Kaempfer
reported WESTERN GULL, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Thayer's Gull and
Carolina Wren.  On July 30, Valerie Bourdeau reported WESTERN GULL at
Prewitt.  On August 1, David Dowell reported WESTERN GULL, 4 Red-headed
Woodpeckers, and 2 Least Flycatchers at Prewitt.  On August 3, Nick Komar
and Sue Riffe reported WESTERN GULL at Prewitt Reservoir.  On August 6, a
WESTERN GULL, Lesser Black-backed Gull (2nd-cyc) and Red-headed Woodpecker
were reported by Glenn Walbek, Steven Larsonat Prewitt.  On August 6, Gwen
Moore and Susan Pellegrini reported WESTERN GULL and 2 Lesser Black-backed
Gulls (2nd-cyc, 3rd-cyc).  On August 7, Adam Vesely reported WESTERN GULL
and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Prewitt.  On August 8, Todd Deininger
reported WESTERN GULL and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Prewitt.

---On August 6 3 Least Flaycatcher were reported by David Dowell at Crow
Valley Campground.
---On July 29 a Least Flycatcher was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Crow
Valley Campground.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips:

The DFO Field Trip for Friday August 12 - Sunday August 14 will be to North
Park led by Chuck Hundertmark & Paul Slignsby (chundertmark8 AT;
303-604-0531).   Meet the leaders at the Moose Visitor Center, CO Hwy 14 at
12 noon.  This is a three-day trip.  Plan to stay in Walden two nights.
 lodging recommendations and additional trip information will be sent to
registrants.  Primary goal will be to find migrating shorebirds and to look
for breeding birds with young.  Scopes will be helpful.  Bring lunch for
the first day, sunscreen, insect repellent, and water.  Register online or
contact leader.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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