Still a lot of migrants around the pond along Massey Draw below my home
this morning, but some indication of change over from yesterday. Totals for
some species: 5 *Western Wood-Pewee*, 2 *Warbling Vireo*, 2 *Cordilleran
Flycatcher*, 3 *Virginia's Warbler*, 2 *Orange-crowned*, 11 *Yellow*, 6
*Wilson's*, 1 *Black-headed Grosbeak*, 1 *Lazuli Bunting*. A highlight was
a HY *Red-naped Sapsucker*, just the 2nd I've seen in the immediate
vicinity of my home.

Farther up Massey Draw, upstream of the Ken Caryl development I hit an area
with lots of migrants and others, where some highlights were 18 *Western
Tanager*, 5 *Black-headed Grosbeak*, 4 *Lazuli Bunting*, *MacGillivray's
Warbler*, *Plumbeous Vireo*, and 3 *Bullock's Oriole* (generally departed
from the Ken Caryl area already, so I think these were migrants).

Later I spent time on my front porch which faces the first major ridge of
Front Range hills west of the hogbacks. A treat was a parade of raptors,
with singles each of *Cooper's Hawk*, *Osprey*, *Turkey Vulture*, *Swainson's
Hawk*, *Red-tailed Hawk* and *Golden Eagle*. Not bad for out the front door.

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Ranch
Littleton, CO

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