Hello all -

I visited Valmont Reservoir again today, determined to get a better look at 
the loon(s) that are out there right now.  I got good looks at the first 
one, this one is definitely a Common Loon.  The second one was farther out, 
it took awhile to get any decent looks through the scope.  Once the wind 
died down, and after careful examination of this bird, I am 95% convinced 
that it is a Pacific Loon.  It has a straighter line between the white and 
the dark on the neck, the forehead slopes up in a gentler fashion than the 
COLO, and no white was observed around the eye.  It didn't have a dark 
necklace, but there was some grey streaking on the top of the neck right 
under the chin.  The bill appeared a little bit smaller than the one on the 
COLO.  So, yes, it appears that there is a PALO hanging around in Boulder 

As a bonus, I was watching a bunch of grebes, several Eared and many 
Pied-Billed, when something caught my eye.  It was another grebe, but had a 
longer bill that was yellow underneath and black on top.  There was a patch 
of white on the side of the head, towards the back, and definite red 
coloring on the side of the neck.  I watched it for about ten minutes and 
tried to get a couple of pictures before it swam out of sight behind the 
trees along the shore.  Based on observation notes and a careful look at 
Sibley, this one is a Red-Necked Grebe.  Poor quality photo attached.

Lots of Mergansers and Coot, with some Goldeneye and other miscellaneous 
birds thrown in.  A Northern Harrier and a Sharp-Shinned Hawk were a nice 
sight, as well.

Good Birding -

Jeff Parks
Boulder, CO

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