Compiler:             Joyce Takamine
e-mail:                 RBA AT
Date:                    May 20, 2017

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, May 20 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changes.

Mute Swan (Weld)
Mallard (Mexican) (Weld)
Barrow’s Goldeneye (Clear Creek)
Northern Bobwhite (Kiowa)
Dusky Grouse (Jefferson)
Common Poorwill (Adams)
Chimney Swift (El Paso, Jefferson, Kiowa,  Weld)
Sandhill Crane (Garfield)
Black-bellied Plover (Delta, Kiowa, Weld)
Snowy Plover (Crowley, Kiowa,*Larimer, *Weld)
Semipalmated Plover (Crowley, Kiowa)
Whimbel (*Jefferson, *Weld)
Long-billed Curlew (Kiowa,   Weld)
Stilt Sandpiper (Kiowa, *Weld)
Sanderling (*Boulder, Douglas, *Jefferson,*Larimer, *Weld)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Kiowa, *Weld)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Crowley)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Crowley, Kiowa,  La Plata, Weld)
Solitary Sandpiper (*Pueblo)
Glossy Ibis (Weld)
Mississippi Kite (El Paso)
Broad-winged Hawk (Kit Carson, Weld)
Laughing Gull (Weld)
Least Tern (Prowers)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Arapahoe, *Bent, Cheyenne, El Paso, Kiowa, Lincoln,
*Pueblo, Weld)
Acorn Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Bent)
Williamson’s Sapsucker   (Larimer, Pueblo)
Least Flycatcher (*Bent, Boulder, Cheyenne,*El Paso, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Boulder)
Eastern Phoebe (Adams, Arapahoe,  Douglas)
Cassin’s Kingbird (Arapahoe, El Paso, Jefferson)
White-eyed Vireo (Pueblo)
Chihuahuan Raven (Cheyenne, Kiowa)
Purple Martin (Kiowa)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (*Bent, Weld)
Sprague’s Pipit (Weld)
Lapland Longspur (Jackson, Weld)
Ovenbird (*Arapahoe, Pueblo)
Worm-eating Warbler (Boulder, Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Arapahoe, Boulder, *El Paso, Jefferson, *Washington,
Golden-winged Warbler (Pueblo)
Black-and-white Warbler (Larimer, *Pueblo)
Tennessee Warbler (Douglas)
Nashville Warbler (*Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Kentucky Warbler (Pueblo)
Blackpoll Warbler (*Pueblo, Weld)
Hooded Warbler (*Bent, *Jefferson)
Northern Parula (*El Paso, Pueblo)
Magnolia Warbler (*El Paso, Pueblo, Weld)
Blackburnian Warbler (Weld)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Arapahoe, Jefferson, Weld)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (El Paso)
Palm Warbler (El Paso, Weld)
Yellow-throated Warbler (*Pueblo)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Mesa, Pueblo)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Weld)
Black-throated Sparrow (Bent)
Summer Tanager (La Plata, Pueblo)
Bobolink (*Pueblo)
Baltimore Oriole (Denver, El Paso, *Pueblo, *Weld, Yuma)

---On May 14 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, Pablo Quezada reported Common
Poorwill and Eastern Phoebe.

---On May 15 at Richmil Ranch Open Space, Jared Del Russo reported 2
Cassin’s Kingbirds.
---On May 16 at Richmil Ranch Open Space, David Suddjian Reported m
Chestnut-sided Warbler.
---On May 17 at Kiowa Creek at Country Line Rd, David Suddjian reported
Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 17 at Hwy 40 from Peoria Rd to Deer Trail Area, David Suddjian
reported 6 Red-headed Woodpecker.
---On May 19 at Cherry Creek SP, Nancy Davis reported Ovenbird and
Nashville Warbler.

---On May 14 at Setchfield SWA, Duane Nelson reported a singing
Black-throated Sparrow.  It was singing from tops of juniper on top of the
---On May 19 at Melody Tempel Grove, David Dowell reported Red-headed
Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Least Flycatcher, Gray-cheeked Thrush,
Hooded Warbler.

---On May 17 at Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve, Ted Floyd reported Gray
---On May 19 at Walden Ponds, Chuck Hundertmark and Peter Burke reported 2
Sanderlings (1 basic plumage, 1 alternate plumage)
---On May 14 on Skunk Canyon Trails, Luke Pheneger reported Gray Flycatcher.
---On May 15 at Lagerman Reservoir, Luke Pheneger reported Cassin’s
---On May 17 at CU East Campus, Luke Pheneger and Maikel Wise reported
Least Flycatcher, Worm-eating Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush.

---On May 14 on US 287 halfway between Kit Carson and Eads, Peter Burke
reported 2 Chihuahuan Ravens.
---On May 14 at Big Sand Draw Bridge, Bill Kaempfer reported Least
---On May 20 on CR 20 between CR L and CR K, Peter Burke reported
Red-headed Woodpecker and Least Flycatcher.

---On May 15 at Echo Lake Park, Temujin Subodai reported m Barrow’s
Goldeneye.  On May 16 at Echo Lake, JoAnn Hackos reported m Barrow’s

---On May 15 at Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Jason Beason, Cheryl Teuton, and
Dan Brooke reported Black-belllied Plover.

---On May 17 at First Creek at DEN Open Space, Jeff Dawson reported
Baltimore Oriole

---On May 14 at Chatfield SP upstream of Kingfisher Bridge (east), Scott
Manwaring reported f Tennessee Warbler.

---On May 13 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded and 2nd yr Bewick’s
Wren.  On May 15 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded 2nd year Western
Palm Warbler and Northern Waterthrush.  On May 17 at Clear Spring Ranch,
Steven Brown band Northern Waterthrush.  On May 18 at Clear Spring Ranch,
Steve Brown banded Least Flycatcher and 2 Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 14 at Chico Basin, Bill Maynard found Black-throated Blue-Warbler
near banding station.  On May 14 at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), Kara
Carragher reported Ovenbird and Summer Tanager.  On May 15 at Chico Basin
Ranch, Brandon Percival, David Tonnessen, and John Drummond reported
singing Black-throated Blue Warbler.  On May 17 at Chico Basin Ranch (fee
area), Jeannie Mitchell and John Drummond reported Red-headed Woodpecker.
---On May 16 at Bear Creek Park East, Chris Brobin reported Mississippi
---On May 17 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, David Tonnessen reported Red-headed
---On May 19 across from Hanover fire station, Bill Maynard reported m
Magnolia Warbler.
---On May 19 at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), John Drummond reported
Northern Parula.

---On May 16 at Spring Valley, Tom and Kay McConnell reported Sandhill
Crane in meadow below sod farm marsh.

--- On May 14 at Chatfield Banding Staton, Meredith McBurney reported
recatching Least Flycatcher.  On May 17 at Chatfield Banding station,
Mredith McBurney banded a Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 15 at Deer Canyon Park on Rattlesnake Gulch Trail, David Suddjian
reported Nashville Warbler and Dusky Grouse.
---On May 17 at Lower White-Ranch Park, Inga Brennan reported m
Chestnut-sided Warbler.
---On May 17 at Ken Caryl Valley-silverberry, David Suddjian reported
Chimney Swift.
---On May 18 at South Valley Park Mann Reservoir, David Suddjian reported
Cassin’s Kingbird.
---On May 19 at Chatfield SP Swim Beach, Phil Lyon reported 2 Sandering.
---On May 19 at Main Reservoir in Lakewood, Glenn Walbek reported Hooded
Warbler; Tom and Debbie Behnfield, Frank Farrell, and Aaron Shipe reported
---On May 19 at Arvada Blunn Reservoir, Aaron Shipe reported 3 Sandlering
and SWAINSON’S WARBLER; Art Hudak reported Sanderling.

---On May 14 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Bill Kaempfer and Peter Burke reported
Long-billed Curlew and 31 White-rumped Sandpipers.  On May 15 at Neenoshe
Reservoir, Jan Stulp reported 5 Long-billed Curlew, 7 White-rumped
Sandpipers, 4 Red-headed Woodpeckers, and Chihuahuan Raven.  On May 18 at
Neenoshe Reseervoir, Jacob Drucker reported  2 Northern Bobwhites,
Black-bellied Plover, 12 Snowy Plover, 11 Stilt Sandpipers, 12 White-rumped
Sandpipers, 6 Semipalmated Sandpipers, Red-headed Woodpecker, 2 Purple
Martins and Chihuahuan Raven. The Purple Martins are a new county bird for
---On May 17 in Eads, Jacob Drucker reported 6 Chimney Swifts.

--- On May 18 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, Glenn Walbek reported juv
Broad-winged Hawk and f EASTERN TOHWEE.  On May 19 at Flagler Reservoir
SWA, Dean Shoup reported f EASTERN TOWHEE.

---On May 15 at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area, Walter Wehtje reported 3
---On May 16 at Bobcat Ridge NA, Fawn Simonds reported Black-and-white
---On May 19 at Cobb Lake, CR 56 in Wellington, Austin Hess, David Wade,
and Nick Komar reported Snowy Plover and Sandlering.

---On May 15 at Schafer Reservoir (private, view from road), Jacob Drucker
reported 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers.

---On May 15 near Arkansas River Bridge in Lamar, Janeal Thompson reported
4 flyover Least Terns.  The old gravel pit north of Northgate Park and
river is private.

---On May 15, Van Truan reported Yellow-throated Warbler at Mineral Palace
Park.  On May 19 at Mineral Palace Park, Van Truan, Dale and Joel Adams
reported Yellow-throated Warbler.
---On May 14 at Chico Basin Ranch, headquarters area, Christine Alexander,
Jesse and Renee Casias reported Golden-winged Warbler and Magnolia Warbler
in the morning and Golden-winged and Kentucky Warbler in the afternoon.  On
May 14 at Chico Basin Ranch headquarters area, Rob Hinds reported a
Golden-winged Warbler and at Rose Pond Rob Hinds reported Magnolia
Warbler.  On May 14 at Chico Basin Ranch headquarters area, Kara Carragher
reported Golden-winged Warbler and Kentucky Warbler.   On May 15 at Chico
Basin Ranch headquarters area, Brandon Percival, David Tonnessen, and Lock
Kilpatrick reported f Golden-winged Warbler, f Summer Tanager, and
Ovenbird.  On May 16 at Chico Basin Ranch at headquarters area, Brian
Johnson reported f Northern Parula and Art Hudak and Mark Chavez reported
Blackpoll Warbler.  On May 16 at Chico Basin Rose Pond, Brian Johnson
reported m Northern Parula.   On May 17 at Chico Basin Ranch headquarters
area, Brandon Percival reported singing White-eye Vireo, f Black-throated
Gray Warbler, and f Baltimore Oriole.  On May 19 at Chico Basin Ranch, Rob
Hinds reported Bobolink; Joel Adams reported Solitary Sandpiper, Red-headed
Woodpecker, Blackpoll Warbler and f Baltimore Oriole.  On May 18 in Chico
Basin alfalfa fields, Rob Hinds and several other birders reported Bobolink.
---On May 14 at Pueblo Mountain Park, Christine Alexander, Jesse and Renee
Casias reported Acorn Woodpecker.
---On May 19, at Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon below Pueblo Reservoir
dam, Brandon Percival reported singing m Black-and-white Warbler.

---On May 18 at Akron Golf Course, Bill Kaempfer reported Northern
Waterthrush.  On May 19 at Akron Golf Course, Dean Shoup reported 2
Northern Waterthrush.

--- On May 15 at Stewart’s Pond, Leo Miller reported Mute Swan and Glossy
Ibis.  On May 17 at Stewart’s Pond, Gene Rutherford reported Mute Swan.
---On May 15 at Crow Valley CG, Gene Rutherford reported Least Flycatcher
and Gray-cheeked Thrush.  Gene Rutherford and Steve Mlodinow reported 2
Least Flycatchers, Chestnut-sided Warbler and heard Blackburnian Warbler.
On May 17 at Crow Valley CG, Gene Rutherford reported Chimney Swift, Least
Flycatcher, and m Magnolia Warbler; Ruth Dicks reported 2 Chestnut-sided
Warblers, and Magnolia Warbler; and Jason Gregg reported Northern
Waterthrush and Magnolia Warbler.
--- On May 15 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 4 White-rumped
Sandpipers and Baltimore Oriole.  On May 16 at Union Reservoir, Dean Shoup
reported 4 White-rumped Sandpipers.   On May 17 at Union Reservoir, Gene
Rutherford, Luke Pheneger, and Maikel Wise reported 3 White-rumped
Sandpipers.  On May 18 at Union Reservoird, Nick Moore reported Snowy
Plover and Steve Mlodinow reported 2 Snowy Plover and Semipalmated
Sandpiper.  On May 19 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow and several other
birders reported Snowy Plover, Long-billed Curlew, Whimbrel, 51
Sanderlings, 4 Stilt Sandpipers, 3 White-rumped Sandpipers, Semipalmated
Sandpiper, and 1st year male Baltimore Oriole.
---On May 14 at Norma’s Grove, Candice Johnson reported Eastern Palm
Warbler.  On May 15 at Norma’s Grove, Gene Rutherford reported Red-headed
Woodpecker, Worm-eating Warbler, and Black-throated Green Warbler.
---On May 14 at Murphy’s Pasture area and auto tour stops 2 & 3, Kendall
Watkins reported 3 Sprague’s Pipits.
---On May 16 at wetland on CR 46, Jared Kidder reported Mute Swan.

---On May 18 at Stalker Pond in Wray, Bill Kaempfer reported 2 Baltimore

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 20 will be to Meyers Homestead Trail,
Walker Ranch led by Paula Hansley (plhansley AT; 720-890-2628)
 This trip has been cancelled.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 20 will be to Park Jordan Centennial
Open Space led by Cynthia Madsen and David Hill (cmadsen08 AT;

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 21 will be to Chico Basin Ranch led by
Mark Amershek (mamershek AT; 303-329-8646)  This trip is Full

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, May 21 will be to Roxborough State Park led
by Sue Summers & Wendy Wibbens (summerssue AT; 253-678-3721)

The Field Trip for Tuesday, May 23 will be to Eastern Arapahoe and Adams
Counties led by David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)  This
trip is full.

For more information on the field trips go to

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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