Steve Kingswood and I spotted a pair of SPPI at the first crossroads on the
official birding route north of Crow Valley Campground. The road dips down
to the intersection; a creaky windmill is in the southeast quadrant. The
pipits were feeding with six cowbirds in the southwest quadrant. Maybe not
"chasable" but worth checking if you are up there. A state bird for Steve.

Also 101 Lark Buntings won the competition with Horned Larks who mustered
only 78 even counting distant tweets. And 23 McCown's Longspurs, most of
which were in the western section of the trail. Also a pair of Grasshopper
Sparrows. They always puzzle me at first.

Nothing remarkable at Crow Valley Campground except one Chimney Swift
flying low with the swallows over the first pond on the north. Also a
silent Red-eyed Vireo behind the picnic tables and pavilion. The creek is
still swift and deep.

Loloff Pond was brim-full and nearly empty of waterfowl except for one
Black Tern and one Black Swan, looking very lonely.

Bob Shade, Lakewood

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