When it rains it pours  :) 
The double use of the same nest is interesting.  I have been under the 
impression that most hummer nests fall apart after use - the babies get big 
and perky and they just bust out of the nest and leave it in shambles.  I 
remember learning from Steve & Deb Bouricius that the fledglings weigh more 
than the mama by the time they fledge, as she is losing weight all the 
while she is stuffing calories into them.  Steve had observed double broods 
(broad-tailed and black-chinned) in his orchard on the western slope and 
had reason to suspect sometimes even a third brood.  At the time, he was 
working on a method for marking individuals with sharpie markers  - the 
birds would peck paint off but seemed to tolerate the markers.  Perhaps 
someone else in this community is more up-to-date on this work than I am.

thanks for sharing this, Dave
- Sandra Laursen 

On Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 6:33:38 PM UTC-6, Dave Leatherman wrote:
> The barrier has been broken.  I suppose we have all had a nemesis bird or 
> biological event we wanted badly to see, should have seen by now, and 
> finally we see it.  Then we see it often after that.  Part of that is the 
> odds evening out, part of it is newfound search image, part of it is the 
> object or event truly becoming more common than it was before.  And then 
> there's luck.
> Well, on July 7th I was shown proof that Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are 
> double-brooding in Colorado at Grandview Cemetery (a female fed a fledged 
> youngster and then moved over a few feet to a freshly-built nest with eggs 
> (today she was dutifully on the nest which presumably still has eggs or 
> very newly hatched young).  A few days later (July 16th) I saw a different 
> adult female sitting on an old nest that had already produced two young 
> earlier this summer.  That's apparently double-brooding, likely (but not 
> necessarily) by the same individual female *in the same nest in the same 
> summer*.   Today I saw two more adult females engaged in activities 
> suggestive of still more double-brooding ongoing at Grandview: (1) a female 
> sitting on a previously undetected, pristine nest (interestingly anchored 
> to a live bough under a live roof, which in my experience at Grandview is 
> true for maybe only 1 in 15 nests (vs. *dead* branch under a live roof), 
> and (2) a female collecting thistle seed for use as nest building 
> material.  See photos below, thistle seed gathering at left, live bough 
> nest at right.
> *Other things of interest during today's visit from 7:15-11am:*
> *Blue Jay nest about half way up a very large Colorado Blue Spruce (the 
> way the House Finches were acting, I suspect the parent jays were feeding 
> finch eggs or young to their nearly-fledged offspring).
> *One adult Chipping Sparrow (this could either be a lingering parent from 
> the one or two pairs that nested at Grandview or a newly wandered bird from 
> the foothills.  I should mention I saw one Chipping Sparrow on the western 
> Pawnee Grasslands last Friday (July 21) that was definitely one of those 
> post-breeding-staging-molt-migrant-get-Ted-excited-at-3AM birds, my first 
> of the summer.
> *One Pine Siskin was among cones at the top of a tall spruce.  
> Surprisingly, they did NOT nest at Grandview this summer.
> *Heard one singing House Wren, probably a parent from the documented 
> apricot tree nest cavity.  Will they try for another round of young?
> *Cliff Swallows are apparently fledging, as I saw far more than I have all 
> summer in the Taft/Laporte Avenue intersection where they nested with Barn 
> Swallows in the irrigation ditch tunnel under the road.
> *Was shown a House Sparrow nest that was cleaned from a nest box in a yard 
> on Frey Avenue one block east of the cemetery.  It was made almost entirely 
> of rusty brown and white chicken feathers (from a nearby coop) stylishly 
> accented with a Blue Jay feather.  The landowner Nancy, who participates in 
> the "Habitat Hero" program of National Audubon, will put out the nest 
> somewhere conspicuous in case birds want to recycle the material.
> *Robins eating chokecherries, Fox Squirrels chowing down on green bur oak 
> acorns, saw 1st underwing moth (*Catocala* sp.) of the summer, pelecinid 
> wasp females flying about looking way more ominous than they are.
> Dave Leatherman
> Fort Collins

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