Compiler:             Joyce Takamine
e-mail:                 RBA AT
Date:                    August 21, 2017

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Monday, August 21 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changes.

Wood Duck (Boulder, Huerfano)
Bufflehead (*Boulder, Custer, *Larimer)
Common Merganer (*Washington)
Dusky Grouse (Eagle)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Baca, Otero, *Pueblo)
Greater Roadrunner (Baca, *Bent, Huerfano, Otero)
Chimney Swift (*Denver, *Prowers)
Black Rail (*Pueblo)
Sandhill Crane (*El Paso)
Black-bellied Plover (Kiowa)
Snowy Plover (Kiowa)
Semipalmated Plover (*Washington)
Upland Sandpiper (*El Paso)
Long-billed Curlew (Boulder, Crowley)
Stilt Sandpiper (*Crowley, El Paso, *Washington)
Dunlin (Kiowa)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Alamosa, *Jefferson, Kiowa)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Alamosa, Boulder, *Crowley, *Washington)
Short-billed Dowitcher (*Bent)
Wilson’s Snipe (Crowley, Otero)
Solitary Sandpiper (Boulder, *El Paso, Kiowa, Mesa, Montrose, Otero, Rio
Blanco, *Washington)
Mew Gull (Larimer)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (*Crowley, Otero)
Black Tern (*Bent, El Paso, Kiowa, Otero)
Common Loon (Kiowa, La Plata, Ouray)
Little Blue Heron (Weld)
Cattle Egret (*Denver)
Green Heron (Otero)
Mississippi Kite (*El Paso, *&Prowers, Pueblo)
Broad-winged Hawk (Prowers)
Lewis’s Woodpecker (La Plata, Pueblo
Red-headed Woodpecker (Adams, Elbert, Kiowa, Larimer, Otero, Logan,
*Prowers, *Pueblo, *Washington)
Acorn Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Williamson’s Sapsucker (Custer, Huerfano, La Plata, Pueblo)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (*El Paso)
Merlin (*Larimer, Pueblo)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Eagle, El Paso, Gunnison, Larimer)
Gray Flycatcher (Boulder)
Eastern Phoebe (*Fremont)
Great Crested Flycatcher (*Crowley, Kiowa, Logan)
Cassin’s Kingbird (El Paso, *fremont)
Bell’s Vireo (Prowers)
Gray Vireo (Archuleta, Montrose)
Cassin’s Vireo (Kiowa)
Gray Jay (El Paso, Gilpin)
Chichuahuan Raven (*Custer)
Carolina Wren (Baca)
Bewick’s Wren (*El Paso, *Fremont)
Veery (Gilpin)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*El Paso, *Fremont, Otero)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (El Paso)
Red Crossbill (Baca, El Paso)
Pine Siskin (Otero)
Evening Grosbeak (Otero)
Northern Waterthrush (*El Paso, Kiowa,*Pueblo, Saguache)
Golden-winged Warbler (Routt)
Nashville Warbler (Logan)
Grace’s Warbler (Pueblo)
Cassin’s Sparrow (*El Paso)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Otero)
Clay-colored Sparrow (Baca, Eagle, El Paso)
Brewer’s Sparrow (*El Paso, Huerfano, Montrose, Otero, Rio Blanco, Weld)
Black-throated Sparrow (Montrose)
Lark Bunting (Custer, El Paso, Jackson, Weld)
Grasshopper Sparrow (*Fremont)
Fox Sparrow (San Juan)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Dickcissel (Baca, Boulder, El Paso, Kiowa, Larimer)
Bobolink (Boulder)

---On August 15 at Blanca Wetlands, Bez Bezuidenhouf reported Semipalmated
Sandpipers and 20
Pectoral Sandpipers.

---On August 17 at Reservoir Hill, Ben Bailey reported Gray Vireo.

---On August 13 at Picture Canyon, Renee Casias reorted 2 Chihuahuan Raven,
2 Rufous-crowned Sparrows, and Painted Bunting.
---On August 17 at Two Buttes SWA below dam, Nick Komar et al reported
Greater Roadrunner, 3 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, heard Carolina Wren,
Dickcissel, heard Red Crossbill, 6 Clay-colored Sparrows.

---On August 20 at Adobe Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake), Nick Komar et al
reported juv Short-billed Dowitcher, 6 Black Terns, and 4 Greater

 ---On August 13 at Lagerman Reservoir, Peter Burke reported 3 Long-billed
Curlew.  On August 14 at Lagerman Reservoir, Chris Owens reported 3
Long-billed Curlews.
---On August 16 at Walden Ponds, Jeff Parks reported juv Little Blue Heron
and 6 Semipalmated Sandpipers; Jack and Ryan Bushong reported Little Blue
Heron and 2 Semipalmated Sandpipers and Solitary Sandpiper.  On August 17
at Walden Ponds, Tracy and Luke Pheneger reported 2 Wood Ducks, 2
Semipalmated Sandpipers, 2 Solitary Sandpipers, and Little Blue Heron.  On
August 18 at Walden Ponds, Willem van Vliet reported Little Blue Heron.
---On August 17 at Magnolia Campgound/trails Stephen Chang reported Gray
---On August 20 at Teller Farm and Lakes, Rebecca Laroc reported f-type

---On August 17 at Lake Meredith, John Drummond et al reported 3rd-cyc
Lesser Black-backed Gull.  On August 18 at Lake Meredith, Jim Rowroth et al
reported Lesser Black-backed Gull.
---On August 17 at Lake Meredity Feedlot Sewage Ponds, Nick Komar reported
7 Stilt Sandpiper and 3 Semipalmated Sandpipers.
---On August 18 at Lake Meredith Feedlot Sewage Ponds, Ryan Adams et al
reported 8 Stilt Sandpipers, 10 Semipalmated Sandpipers.   On August 19 at
Lake Meredith, Feedlot Sewage Ponds, Jay Withgott reported Long-billed
Curlew, 12 Stilt Sandpipers, 13 Semipalmated sandpipers and Wilson’s
Snipe.  On August 29 at Lake Meredith Feedlot Sewage Ponds, Dick Porter and
Joshua Smith reported 38 Stilit Sandppers, 12 Semipalmated Sandpipers,
Great Crested Flycatcher and Lesser Black-backed Gull.

---On August 17 at DeWeese Reservoir, Kurt Mize reported f-type Bufflehead,
6 Williamson’s Sapsuckers, f-type Lark Bunting.
---On August 20 in Wetmore area, Drew Beamer et al reported Chichuahuan

---On August 20 at Denver City Park, Tony Leukering reported Cattle Egret
on island in Ferril Lake and Chimney Swift.

---On August 14 at Vall Ski Resort, David Suddjian reported 4 American
Three-toed Woodpeckers (family group), and 4 Dusky Grouse.

---On August 15 on CR 89, Cheri Phillips and Maureen Blackford reported juv
Red-headed Woodpecker and Clay-colored Sparrow.

---On August 18 at Venetucci Farm, Van Truan reported Mississippi Kite.
---On August 10 at Bear Creek Park West, David Tonnessen reported 22
flyover Pinyon Jay.
---On August 11 and 12 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded Northern
Waterthrush.  On August 17 and 18 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded
Northern Waterthrush.
---On August 17 at Adams Open Space, Cathy Bondy reported 3 Mississippi
---On August 18 at Fountain Creek Regional Park, Nick Komar et al reported
Mississippi Kite.  On August 19 at Fountain Creek RP, Nick Komar el al
reported Mississippi Kite and type 2 Red Crossbill.
---On August 14 on Elk Park Trail, Rod Schmidt reported American Three-toed
Woodpecker and Gray Jay.
---On August 14 on Pike’s Peak Summit, Rod Schmidt reported 3 Brown-capped
---On August 15 on Ramah Rd W and CR 93, Cheri Phillips and Maureen
Blackford reported 2 Clay-colored Sparrows and Brewer’s Sparrow.
---On August 16 on S Peyton Hwy, Don Marsh reported 2 Red-headed
Woodpeckers and 2 Curve-billed Thrashers.
---On August 16 on BIrdsall Road, Gloria Nikolai reported 2 Curve-billed
Thrashers and Mississippi Kite. ---On August 17 on Handover Rd, Diego
Blanco reported Curve-billed Thrasher; Drew Beamer reported Curve-billed
Thrasher and 4 Cassin’s Sparrows.
---On August 17 at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), Drew Beamer reported
Curve-billed Thrasher and 7 Cassin’s Sparrows; Diego Blanco reported 6
Curve-billed Thrashers, 2 Brewer’s Sparrows and 4 Cassin’s Sparrows.  On
August 17 at Chico Basin Ranch, Cynthia Hudson et al reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker, Curve-billed Thrasher, 7 Solitary Sandpipers, and 10 Cassin’s
Sparrows.  On August 18 at Chico Basin Ranch, Dick Porter et al reported 5
Solitary Sandpipers, 3 Curve-billed Thrashers, 3 Brewer’s Sparrows.  On
August 18 at Chico Basin Ranch, John Drummond et al reported Bewick’s Wren
and Ladder-backed Woodpecker.  On August 19 at Chico Basin Ranch, Jim
Rowoth el at reported 5 Curve-billed Thrashers, 9 Cassin’s Sparrows, 3
Clay-colored Sparrows, and 20 Lark Buntings.  On August 20 at Chico Basin
Ranch, John Drummond et al reported 6 Solitary Sandpipers, 3 Ladder-backed
Woodpeckers, 3 Curve-billed Thrashers, 4 Cassin’s Sparrows, 8 Brewer’s
Sparrows, Bewick’s Wren, Northern Waterthrush.
---On August 19 on Santa Fe Ave in Fountain, Nick Komar et al reported 4
Mississippi Kites.
---On August 19 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, Alan Ketcham reported 2 Stilt
Sandpipers, Black Tern, 2 Cassin’s Kingbirds, Dickscissel.
---On August 20 at Intersection of Squirrel Creek Road and s Peyton Hwy,
Robb Hinds reported Upland Sandpiper.
---Ou August 20 at intersection of S Peyton Hwy and Apelt Ranch Road, Ed
Pandolfino reported 2 ad Sandhill Cranes, Ladder-backed Woodpecker,
Curve-billed Thrasher, and Brewer’s Sparrow.

---On August 20 at Brush Hollow Reservoir, Drew Beamer et al reported
Eastern Phoebe, 2 Cassin’s Kingbirds, Bewick’s Wren, 4 Curve-billed
Thrashers, Grasshopper Sparrow.

---On August 15 on Rollins Pass Rd east side, Steve Mlodinow reported Veery.
---On August 15 at Knights of Phythias Cemetery, Steve Mlodinow reported
Gray Flycatcher.

---On August 16 at Orlando Reservoir, Jay Withgott reported 3 Wood Ducks.
---On August 18 at Lathrop SP, Sharon Cormier-Aagard reported heard Greater
Roadrunner, f Williamson’s Sapsucker, 3 Brewer’s Sparrows.

---On August 19 on CR 34 near Walden, Bob Friedrichs reported f – type Lark

---On August 20 at Chatfield SP S Platte River Delta, Frank Farrell
reported Pectoral Sandpiper.

---On August 17 at Abode Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake), Nick Komar reported
from NE Shore Snowy Plover, Long-billed Curlew, and Black-bellied Plover.
Nick says that access is terrible.
---On August 20 at Kiowa Creek at CR 40, Steve Mlodinow reported Great
Crested Flycatcher and 2 Northern Waterthrush.
---On August 20 at Upper queens/Neeskah Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported
6 Solitary Sandpipers,  Caspian Tern, 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 3 Great
Crested Flycatcher, Cassin’s Vireo.
---On August 20 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported Upland
Sandpiper, Dunlin, Pectoral Sandpiper, Solitary Sandpiper, 65 Black Tern,
Common Tern, 16 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 6 Northern Waterthrush, Dickcissel.

---On August 16 at Vallecito Reservoir, David Dunford reported 2 Common
Loons, 5 Lewis’s Woodpeckers and Williamson’s Sapsucker.

---On August 12 at Topminnow NA (East Horsetooth Gravel Pit), Brandon
Nooner reported f-type Bufflehead.  On August 20 at Topminnow NA, Sandy
Arnesen reported Bufflehead.
---On August 14 at Horseshoe Reservoir, David Wade and Nick Komar reported
Mew Gull.
---On August 16 at Reservoir Ridge NA, John Shenot reported ad f Dickcissel.
---On August 18 at Emmaline Lake train in spruce forest above Pingree Park,
Libby Edwards reported 6 American Three-toed Woodpeckers
---On August 19 at Estes Park, Debra Corpora reported Red-headed Woodpecker.
---On August 20 at Running Deer and Cottonwood Hollow NA, Robert Beauchamp
reported Prairie Merlin.

---On August 15 at Tamarack ranch SWA, Shannon Skalos and Andrea Mott
reported Red-headed Woodpecker, 2 Great Crested Flycatchers and Nashville

---On August 14 at Grand Junction WA, Mike Henwood and Carol Ortenzio
reported Solitary Sandpiper; Mark and Denise Vollmar reported 3 Solitary
Sandpipers.  On August 15, Mike Henwood and Eileen Cunningham reported 1
juv Solitary Sandpiper (cinnamomea) at Fuita SP and 2 Solitary Sandpipers
(1 ad, 1juv) at Horsethief SWA.

---On August 16 at Airport Lake, Coen Dexter reported 2 Solitary
Sandpipers, Gray Vireo, 2 Brewer’s Sparrows and Black-throated Sparrow.

---On August 18 at Cheraw Lake, Jim Rowoth and Kurt Mize reported Wilson’s
Snipe and Black Tern.
---On August 18 at Higbee Valley Road, Doug Faulker et al reported 4
Greater Roadrunners, 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 Curve-billed Thrashers, 2
Brewer’s Sparrows, Rufous-crowned Sparrow.
---On August 19 at Holbrook Reservoir, Bernard Morris reported Green Heron
and Lesser Black-backed Gull.  On August 18 at Holbrook reservoir, David
Tonnessen reported 2 Solitary Sandpipers, Lesser Black-backed Gull, 13
Black Terns, Red-headed Woodpecker, flyover calling Evening Grosbeak.
---On August 19 at Rocky Ford SWA Ryans Ponds, David Tonnessen reported
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers and flyover calling Pine

---On August 10 Bryant Will found a juv  SWALLOW-TAILED KITE in Lamar which
was refound by Janeal Thompson, Tammy Gonzales, Jane Stulp, and Duane
Nelson near Oak and 14th.
---On August 17 at Lamar Community College, Nick Komar et al reported 26
Mississippi Kites, Broad-winged Hawk, Bell’s (eastern) Vireo, and 3
Northern Cardinals.
---On August 19 at Willow Creek Park, Bernard Morris reported
SWALLOW-TAILED KITE circling overhead with kettle of Mississippi Kites and
2 Red-headed Woodpeckers.  On August 20 at Willow Creek Park, Nick Komar et
al reported 100 Mississippi Kites, SWALLOW-TAILED KITE, 2 Chimney Swifts,
and Red-headed Woodpecker.

---On August 14 at Pueblo Mountain Park, Monday Birders reported
Williamson’s Sapsucker and 3 Grace’s Warblers.  On August 17 at Pueblo
Mountain Park, Ryan Adams reported Acorn Woodpecker, 2 Williamson’s
Sapsuckers and 3 Grace’s Warblers.  On August 18 at Pueblo Mountain Park,
Nathan Pieplow et al reported 5 Williamson’s Sapsuckers, Merlin, 3 Grace’s
Warblers.  On August 19 at Pueblo Mt Park, Mark Holmgren et al reported 2
Williamson’s Sapsucker, 2 Lewis’s Woodpeckers and Grace’s Warbler.
---On August 16 at Pueblo Reservoir, Jay Withgott found 2 juv Little Gulls
at South Shore Marina.  The Little Gulls were also reported by Dale and
Joel Adams at South Marina; Brandon Percival reported the
Little Gulls by picnic Shelter near South Shore Headquarters; Nick Komar
and others reported the Little
Gulls at east end of Pueblo Reservoir.
---On August 17 at Lake Minnequa in Pueblo, Jay Withgott and Mark Holmgren
reported 2 Mississippi Kites.
---On August 18 at Nepesta Road Marsh, Scott Somershoe reported hearing
Black Rail.  Onb August 20 at Nepestra Road Marsh, Nick Komar et al
reported 2 Black Rail, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 4 Red-headed Woodpecker, and
Northern Waterthrush.

---On August 8 at Jensen SWA, Steve Patterson reported 2 Solitary
Sandpipers and Brewer’s Sparrow.

---On August 19 along Yampa Core Trail in Steamboat Springs, Machael San
Miguel reported ad m Golden-winged Warbler about 100-200 yards upstream
from where trail corsses Trafalager Dr just behind “Flour Mill” camp.

---On August 17 at Russell Lakes SWA, Riley Morris reported Northern

---On August 20 at Prewitt Reservoir, Jack and Ryan Bushong reported Common
Merganser, Semipalmated Plover, 30 Stilt Sandpipers, 7 Semipalmated
Sandpipers, 6 Solitary Sandpipers, and juv Red-headed Woodpecker.

---On August 19 at Norma’s Grove, Gene Rutherford reported 5 Brewer’s
Sparrows, 12 f-type Lark Buntings.
---On August 18 at Firestone Gravel Pits (view from road) Carl Starace
reported 2 juv Little Blue Heron.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, August 26 will be to Guanella Pass led by
Wendy Wibbens and Sue Summers  (wibbwj AT; 303-330-1175).  This
trip is full.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, August 26 will be to Cobb Lake, Timnath
Reservoir and Lory SP led by Francis Commercon (siskinbyderailleur AT; 303-470-9130)  Meet at 0700 in the SW corner of the Moby Arena
Parking Lot on the CSU campus, Fort Collins.  Will try to carpool to
minimize the number of cars.  From Denver, take I-25 north to Prospect
Road, exit  268.  Drive west on Prospect until you turn north on Shields
St., Then drive to Elizabeth St where you will turn east directly into the
Moby Arena Parking Lot.  State Parks pass required.  Will begin at Cobb
Lake SWA then transition to Timnth Reservoir, have lunch at Lory SP.  Trip
will conclude mid-afternoon.  Bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and
lunch.  Bring good walking shoes and long pants.  Register online or
contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday August 27 will be to Prewitt and Jackson
Reservoirs led by Joey Kellner (vireo1 AT; 303-978-1748).  Meet
at 0530 at Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 6060 N Broadway to carpool.  Exit
I-25 at 58th Ave, go west 2 blocks to Broadway, then north 2 blocks to
parking lot on right.  State Parks pass and and Jumbo Res/Prewitt Res
access permit required (Habitat permit or Fishing License).
    This is an all-day trip so bring snacks, lunch, plenty of water,
sunscreen, and bug spray,  Long pants are recommended.  Register online or
contact leader.

For more information on the field trips go to

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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