Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:        April 9, 2018
e-mail:      RBA AT

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Monday, April 9 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Snow Goose (*Boulder, *San Miguel)
Ross’s Goose (*Douglas, *Weld)
Greater White-fronted Goose (Jefferson, Rio Grande, Weld)
Wood Duck (Montezuma)
Greater Scaup (*Fremont, *Weld)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (*Weld)
Red-necked Grebe (*Jefferson, *Pueblo)
Clark’s Grebe (Fremont)
White-throated Swift (Chaffee, Pueblo)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (El Paso)
Virginia Rail (Chaffee)
Sora (*Montezuma)
Sandhill Crane (Larimer, Mesa, Montezuma, Weld)
Black-necked Stilt (Weld)
Mountain Plover (El Paso, Lincoln)
Long-billed Curlew (Boulder, *Douglas, Mesa)
Marbled Godwit (*Pueblo)
Least Sandpiper (*La Plata, *Weld)
Western Sandpiper (*La Plata)
Spotted Sandpiper (*Mesa)
Willet (Arapahoe)
Franklin’s Gull (Montezuma)
Pacific Loon (Fremont)
Double-crested Cormornants (Denver)
American White Pelican (Douglas)
Great Egret (*Fremont, La Plata, Larimer, Moffat, Weld)
Snowy Egret (Denver)
Little Blue Heron (Otero)
White-faced Ibis (Mesa)
Turkey Vulture (*Boulder, Douglas, *Larimer, Mineral)
Osprey (*Pitkin)
Northern Goshawk (Douglas, Jefferson, Larimer)
Swainson’s Hawk (Jackson)
Ferruginous Hawk (*Mesa)
Burrowing Owl (El Paso, Mesa)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (*El Paso)
Black Phoebe (*Fremont, *Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (*Boulder, Chaffee, Fremont, Larimer, Otero)
Vermilion Flycatcher (El Paso)
Western Kingbird (El Paso)
Chihuahuan Raven (Crowley, Fremont)
Common Raven (*Weld)
Tree Swallow (*Larimer, Otero, *Pueblo)
Violet-green Swallow (Araphoe, Denver, Fremont, Jefferson, Larimer, *Pueblo)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (*Adams, Arapahoe, Larimer)
Bank Swallow (*Chaffee, Larimer, Otero, *Pueblo)
Cliff Swallow (Chaffee, Larimer, Otero, *Pueblo)
Barn Swallow (Broomfield, Chaffee, Denver, Larimer, Otero, *Pueblo)
Mountain Chickadee (Otero)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Denver)
Mountain Bluebird (Lincoln)
Swainson’s Thrush (Adams)
Hermit Thrush (Adams, Denver, Lincoln, Weld)
Gray Catbird (Larimer)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*El Paso, Fremont)
Sage Thrasher (*Boulder, *El Paso)
Northern Mockingbird (Broomfield, El Paso)
American Pipit (Crowley, Jefferson, Larimer, Lincoln)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (San Miguel)
Black Rosy-Finch (San Miguel)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (San Miguel)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Lincoln, *Weld)
McCown’s Longspur (El Paso, *Weld)
Green-tailed Towhee (Jefferson)
Cassin’s Sparrow (El Paso)
American Tree Sparrow (*Boulder, *Larimer)
Chipping Sparrow (Yuma)
Vesper Sparrow (*Adams, *Boulder, Crowley, El Paso)
Sagebrush Sparrow (Boulder, Larimer, *Mesa)
Savannah Sparrow (Weld)
Fox Sparrow (*Eagle)
Lincoln’s Sparrow (Adams, Crowley, Larimer, Otero, Weld)
Harris’s Sparrow (Denver, El Paso, Weld)
Brown-headed Cowbird Yuma)
Pine Warbler (*Larimer)
Blue Grosbeak (*Larimer)

---On April 6 at Barr Lake SP, Susan Quinlan reported Hermit Thrush.  On
April 7 at Barr Lake SP Niedrach trail and Visitor Center,  Brian Johnson
reported Swainson’s Thrush.
---On April 7 at Pond N of Big Dry Creek Park, Matt Hofeditz reported
Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On April 7 at Metzger Farms OS, Matt Hofeditz reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On April 7 at Mann-Nyholt Lake, Adam Veseley reported Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On April 8 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Bluestem Loop Trail, John
Breitsch reported Vesper Sparrow.
---On April 8 at Ken Mitchell Park and OS, Adam Vesely reported Northern
Rough-winged Swallow.


---On April 6 at South Platte Park, Edward Donnan reported Willet.
---On April 6 at Centennial Park, Art Hudak reported Northern Rough-winged
Swallow and 8 Violet-green Swallows.

---On April 6 at Boulder Reservoir Complex, David Dowell reported 2 Snow
Geese.  On April 7 at Boulder Reservoir Complex Ron Podhajsky, Peter Burke,
Kathie Lehman, and David Haskell, Dan Zmolek, and Leslies S reported 2 Snow
Geese, 2 Vesper Sparrows, and Sage Thrasher and 3 Turkey Vultures.  On
April 8 at Boulder Reservoir Complex, Ted Floyd and several other birders
reported Turkey Vultures, 2 Snow Geese, Sage Thrasher, 2 Vesper Sparrows,
American Tree Sparrow.
---On April 5 at Boulder Creek and 75th St, Gregg Goodrich and Anna Troth
reported Eastern Phoebe on both sides of the bridge.  On April 7 at Boulder
Creek and 75th St, Emil Yappert and Richard Trinkner reported Eastern
Phoebe; Ernest Crvich reported 2 Eastern Phoebes at Boulder Creek and 75th
St but west of bridge.  On April 8 at Boulder Creek and 75th St, Chuck
Hundertmark and Bob Spencer reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On April 5 at Foothills Community Park North end, Christian Nunes
reported Sagebrush Sparrow and several birders got to see it.
---On April 5 at Stearns Lake, Ted Floyd reported 2 Snow Geese.
---On April 7 in area around Hwy 66 between N 61st and N 63rd St in
Longmont, Ethan Kistler, Christian Nunes, David Waltman, Dan Zmolek, Leslie
S reported 2 Long-billed Curlews and Peter Burke reported 3 Long-billed
Curlews N of Hwy 66; Willem van Vliet reported 3 Long-billed Curlews on
N63rd West of McCall Lake.

---On April 7 at Plaster Reservoir, Matt Hofeditz reported Barn Swallow.

---On April 5 at Bob’s Rocks, Christian Hagenlocher reported 4
White-throated Swifts.
---On April 7 at Sands Lake SWA, Michael O’Brien and VENT Grouse Tour
reported Bank Swallow, Eastern Phoebe, 20 Cliff Swallows, and 5 Barn
---On April 8 at Frantz Lake SWA, Christian Hagenlocher reported Bank

---On April 7 at Lake Henry, Steve Mlodinow reported Chihuahuan Raven, 3
American Pipits, Vesper Sparrow, and 2 Lincoln’s Sparrows.

---On April 5 at First Creek at DEN OS, John Breitsch reported Harris’s
Sparrow.  On April 7 at First Creek at DEN OS, Lorraine Lanning reported
Harris’s Sparrow.
---On April 7 at Denver City Park, Patrick O’Driscoll and DFO Field Trip
reported 4 Snowy Egrets, 445 Double-crested Cormornants and 200 nests, 2
Violet-green Swallows, 3 Barn Swallows and Golden-crowned Kinglet.
---On April 7 at Denver Botanic Gardnes and Cheeseman Park, Rebecca Laroche
reported 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets and Hermit Thrush.

---On April 5 at Parker Regional Park (aka Salisbury Equestrian Park), Tim
Ryan reported Ross’s Goose.  On April 7 at Parker Regional Park (aka
Salisbury Equestrian Park), Sue Plankis reported Ross’s Goose.  On April 8
at Parker Regional Park (aka Salisbury Equestrian Park), Tim Ryand and
Nancy Davis reported Ross’s Goose.
---On April 7 at Roxborough SP, Candice Johnson reported Northern Goshawk.
On April 8 at Roxbourgh SP, Stan Dodds and R Knapp reported Long-billed
---On April 8 along south entrance road to Chatfield SP in Prairie dog
colony, Cynthia Kristensen reported Long-billed Curlew.

---On April 8 on Eagle River from Gypsum to Dotsero, JoAnn Riggle reported
2 Fox Sparrows.

---On April 5 at Hanover Road, Diane Roberts and her DFO Field Trip
reported pair of Ladder-backed Woodpeckers, Curve-billed Thrasher, 2
Burrowing Owls, 4 Sage Thrashers, and 2 Cassin’s Sparrows.  On April 6 on
Hanover Rd on pine tree at oasis, Jim Merritt reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker; R Knapp reported 2 Western Kingbirds.  On April 7 on Hanover
Road Gloria Nikolai reported 3 Curve-billed Thrashers and 2 Burrowing
Owls.  On April 8 on Hanover Road, Robin Bredl and Mark Chavez reported
Curve-billed Thrasher and 2 Ladder-backed Woodpecker
---On April 5 at Chico Basin Ranch (fee area), Jeannie Mitchell and John
Drummond  reported 2 Burrowing Owls, 3 Ladder-backed Woodpeckers, and
Curve-billed Thrasher; Patraicia Bacchetti reported Curve-billed Thrasher.
On April 8 at Chico Basin Ranch, Alan and Mary Lynne Ketcham reported 3
pair of Curve-billed Thrashers and Sage Thrasher.
---On April 5 at DeGroot Road John Drummond reported Cassin’s Sparrow.
---On April 5 at 19250 Loop Rd Uldrickson Farm, Christine Alexander, Ginny
Bergstrom and Tom Johnson and his Field Guides tour reported Vermilion
---On April 5 at Hanover Fire Station, Jeannie Mitchell and John Drumond
reported Cassin’s Sparrow.
---On April 5 on Birdsall Road, Jim Merrit reported Curve-billed Thasher.
---On April 5 at Blair Bridge OS, Joy Lake reported Broad-tailed
---On April 6 on Sanborn Rd near Yoder, David Tonnessen reported 4 McCown’s
Longspur and Vesper Sparrow.
---On April 7 on Loop Road, Riley Morris reported 2 Curve-billed Thrashers.
---On April 7 on S Meridian Road Hanover Rd to Pueblo County Line, Roger
Massey, reported Ladder-backed Woodpecker and Vesper Sparrow.

---On April 7 at Brush Hollow, Cheryl Teuton and Norm Erthal reported basic
plumaged Pacific Loon; Erthal reported Clark’s Grebe and Chihuahuan Raven;
DeBoer reported Curve-billed Thrasher.  On April 8 at Brush Hollow, Dale
and Joel Adams reported 2 Greater Scaup.
---On April 7 at Canon City Valco Pond, Jerry DeBoer reported 4
Violet-green Swallows and Eastern Phoebe.  On April 8 at Canon City Valco
Pond, Dale and Joel Adams reported Great Egret and 2 Black Phoebe.

---On April 7 on Hwy 14 S of Coalmont, Mike Buccieri reported Swainson’s

---On April 6 at Bear Creek Lake Park, Mark Chavez reported American Pipit.
---On April 5 at Ken Caryl Cathy Johnson Trail, David Suddjian reported
Green-tailed Towhee.
---On April 7 at Chatfield SP, Susan Blansett reported 6 Violet-green
Swallows flying over the South Platte River.
---On April 7 at Maxwell Falls Lower Trail, Shayna Wieferich reported
Northern Goshawk and 2 Sandhill Cranes.
---On April 7 at Ralston creek trail thru west Woods Golf Course, John
Shunk reported Greater White-fronted Goose.
---On April 7 at Coors Ponds, Bruce Snyder reported Red-necked Grebe.  On
April 8 at Coors Ponds, Karen Goetz, Matt Clark, and Susan Bonfiglio
reported Red-necked Grebe.

---On April 6 at Pastorius Reservoir, Susan Allerton reported Least
Sandpiper and Great Egret; Ryan Votta reported Great Egret.  On April 8 at
Pastorius Reservoir, Susan Allerton reported Least Sandpiper and Western

---On April 5 at Arapahoe Bend NA Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake),
Walter Wehtje reported 4 Barn Swallows and 2 Cliff Swallows.   On April 6
at Arapahoe Bend NA Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake), Lori Zabel
reported Barn Swallow, 2 Vesper Sparrows, and 12 American Pipits.  On April
7 at Arapahoe Bend NA Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake), Christine and
Richard Sparks, John Shenot, Brandon Nooner, Heather Shirley, and Eva
Matthews Lark reported 20 Sandhill Cranes, Violet-green Swallow, Northern
Rough-winged Swallow, Bank Swallows, Cliff Swallows, and  Barn Swallows.
---On April 5 at Lee Martinez Park, Ethan Kistler reported 125 Turkey
Vultures from 0900 and Gray Catbird.
---On April 7 at CSU Environmental Learning Center riparian area upstream
of dam, Lori Zabel reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On April 7 at Bobcat Ridge NA, Skyler Bol reported Sagebrush Sparrow,
and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
---On April 8 at Wild Horse Birdfeeder in Loveland, John Reichhardt
reported Pine Warbler.
---On April 8 at North Shields Pond NA, David Wade reported American Tree
---On April 8 at Grandview Cemetery, Dave Leatherman reported 80 Turkey
Vultures and 2 Tree Swallows.

---On April 6 on CR S near Karval, David Tonnessen reported American Pipit
and 8 Chestnut-collared Longspur.
---On April 6 on CR T near Karval, David Tonnessen reported 14 Mountain
Plover and Mountain Bluebird.
---On April 6 in Karval (town), David Tonnessen reported Hermit Thrush.
---On April 7 at Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuary, Ethan Kistler reported
Great Egret.
---On April 8 at Horsetooth Mountain OS Towers Trail, Jonny Appleseed
reported possible m Blue Grosbeak.

---On April 7 at Horsethief Canyon SWA, Carol Ortenzio and Katey Buster
reported Black Phoebe.  On April 8 at Horsetheif canyon SWA Jon Horn
reported Spotted Sandpiper and Black Phoebe.
---On April 6 at Highline Lake SP, Kathleen McGinley and Mike Henwood
reported White-faced Ibis and 2 Sandhill Cranes.
---On April 6 at Brewster Ridge, Mike Henwood reported 5 Long-billed
Curlew.  On April 8 at Brewster’s RidgeBar X Wash, Nic Korte reported
Ferrugious Hawk and Sagebrush Sparrow.
---On April 6 on old Us Hwy 6 & 50 2 8/10 Rd N, Mike Henwood and Kathleen
McGinley reported Burrowing Owl.
---On April 7 at Shiprock Pond, Nic Korte reported 3 White-faced Ibis.

---On April 5 at West Fork Rd, Ben Bailey reported 2 Turkey Vultures.  West
Fork Rd is at mm158 on north Hwy 160.

---On April 5 at Moffat County Road Dept Ponds, John Vaderpoel reported
Great Egret.

---On April 5 at Totten Lake, Glenn Dunmire reported 2 Sandhill Cranes and
6 Franklin’s Gulls.  On April 8 at Totten Reservoir, Erik Hendrikson
reported Sora.
---On April 5 at Centennial Park pond in Cortez, Glenn Dunmire reported
pair of Wood Ducks.

---On April 6 at Holbrook Reservoir, Tom Johnson and his Field Guides
Grouse Tour reported Little Blue Heron, 2 Tree Swallows, 2 Bank Swallows,
and 6 Barn Swallows.  On April 7 at Lake Holbrook east side outflow, Janeal
Thompson reported Little Blue Heron.
---On April 7 at Rocky Ford Dike, Steve Mlodinow reported 30 Tree Swallows,
2 Bank Swallows, 80 Barn Swallows, and 8 Cliff Swallows.
---On April 7 at Rocky Ford SWA Ryans Ponds, Steve Mlodinow reported 2
Eastern Phoebe, 2 Mountain Chickadees and Lincoln’s Sparrow.

---On April 8 on Emma Road in Basalt, Catherine Hagen reported 2 Osprey.

---On April 6 at Pueblo Reservoir,  Brandon Percival reported breeding
plumaged Red-necked Grebe.  On April 8 at Pueblo Reservoir, Brandon
Percival reported Tree Swallow, Violet-green Swallow, Barn Swallow, Cliff
Swallow, and Bank Swallow.
---On April 8 at Pueblo Reservoir SWA, Brandon Percival and David Chartier
reported Marbled Godwit.

---On April 4 at The Terraces, Eric Hynes reported 1 Gray-crowned
(Hepburn’s) Rosy-Finch, 4 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, 6 Black Rosy-Finch, and
140 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch.
---On April 8 at Hwy 145 and 44Z S Road, George Steele reported Snow Goose.

---On April 7 at ponds west of CR 41 N of CR 46, Sharon Kay reported Great
Egret, 3 Black-necked Stilits, and 12 Sandhill Cranes across the road.
---On April 7 at CR 1376 W of CR 105, James Holmes reported Sharp-tailed
Grouse, Savannah Sparrow, and 8 Chestnut-collared Longspurs.
---On April 7 at CR 111 and CR 134, James Holmes reported 3 Sharp-tailed
---On April 7 at Briggsdale (town) at corner of Main and 5th Ave, James
Holmes reported Harris’s Sparrow.
---On April 7 at Clark Lake, James Holmes reported 4 Ross’s Geese, and 4
Greater White-fronted Geese.
---On April 7 at Behrens Reservoir area, Renee Casias and David Dowell
reported Least Sandpiper.   On April 8 at Behrens Reservoir, Gene
Rutherford reported Least Sandpiper and Ross’s Goose.
---On April 7 at Crow Valley Campground, David Dowell and Georgiah Hartman
reported Hermit Thrush and 2 Lincoln’s Sparrows.
--- On April 7 at CR 136 and CR 111 Georgiah Hartman reported Sharp-tailed
Grouse; at CR 111 and CR 134, Matt Clark reported 2 Sharp-tailed Grouse.
---On April 8 at Pawnee NG at CR 134 east of CR 111, Christine Alexander
reported 4 Sharp-tailed Grouse, 6 Chestnut-collared Longspur and 8 McCown’s
---On April 8 at Pawnee NG at CR 111 south of CR 136, Christine Alexander
reported 4 Sharp-tailed Grouse.
---On April 8 at CR 59 Wetlands Shawn Mason reported Least Sandpiper.
---On April 8 at Firestone Gravel Pits (View from road), Steve Mlodinow
reported 2 Greater Scaup and Common Raven.

---On April 7 at Wray, Bill Kaempfer reported Chipping Sparrow.

DFO Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Monday, April 9 will be to Southwest Metro Area
Ponds and Lakes led by David Suddjian (dsuddjian At;
831-713-8659)  This trip is FULL.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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